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Kammak MAP Units 1

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Download: http://home.mho.net/kmaclennan/ofp/KammakMAPUnits1.zip

An addon for use with Digital Grenade's Marine Assault Pack (MAP) v1.0.  Released with permission from Suchey.  **This is not an official Digital Addon**.  This addon **does not** overwrite any original Digital Grenade files.

Please don't complain about another config hack...I want more 3D work done for the MAP like everyone else, but don't have the talent for it.  sad_o.gif

So here is a small addon I've been using for a few months to make missions with.  Some of the units are now a bit obsolete/redundant, but as I have missions using them I have kept the addon as-is.

The download includes kmkSUCHusmc.pbo and a demo mission using some of the new units.

The addon only requires the Marine Assault Pack.  The Demo Mission also requires JAM2.

More information can be found in this thread from Digital Grenade: http://www.digitalgrenade.com/cgi-bin....2878303

Units added:


Force Recon Corpsman, Urban MARPAT, kmkSUCHfrMedic

Force Recon Sniper, Urban MARPAT, kmkSUCHfrSniper

Recon Marine, Woodland MARPAT, kmkSUCHrecon

(D) Recon Marine, Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHrecon_des

Recon Corpsman, Woodland MARPAT, kmkSUCHrcnMedic

(D) Recon Corpsman, Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHrcnMedic_des

Patrol Marine, Woodland MARPAT, kmkSUCHpatrol

(D) USMC Patrol Marine, Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHpatrol_des

USMC Sniper, Woodland MARPAT, kmkSUCHsniper

(D) USMC Sniper, Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHsniper_des

(D) NAVY Corpsman (kmk), Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHmed_des

Faces Added:



The face is the same as "CoC_DiverCamo", which was in CoC_Diver.pbo.  It is re-released with permission from the Chain of Command.

I hope to release the rest of my missions using this addon soon..but have to get them cleaned up and de-customized!

Hope you enjoy the addon and the mission.  And thanks again to the Digital Grenade team for the outstanding Marine Assault Pack.  smile_o.gif

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does this inlcude different models (like a medic model with a boonie or something like that) or it is just a standard model from the pack conifgured as such?

Just wondering, not judging....

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Sadly, no. No new model/texture work at all - strictly config stuff.

Force Recon/Recon units have stealth & spotting values equal to original Force Recon guys. Recon Marine uses the "USMC Rifleman Grenadier" model (recon cover). Force Recon Corpsman uses the "Force Recon Assault" model, with the Corpsman command icon. Recon Corpsman uses the standard "NAVY Corpsman" model. The Recon/Force Recon Corpsman have stealth/spotting values matching the Recon/Force Recon Marines.

Sniper units have configs based on BAS DeRa snipers, slightly improved. Force Recon sniper uses the "Force Recon Scout" model. USMC Sniper uses the "USMC Squad Leader" model (soft cover).

The Patrol Marine units are strictly cosmetic - same config values as original USMC units, using the USMC Squad Leader model (soft cover). Just changed the loadout and the name.

The "(D) NAVY Corpsman" unit is just a replacement for the default desert Corpsman that doesn't heal. I know a few addons have already addressed this. As this addon was made several months ago and I have used that unit in missions, I have left it in.

I made these originally for personal use for my own missions. As I considered releasing my missions, I had to release this addon so they would work!

I know all the items that should ideally be changed on the models to match the new units, but I don't have any real interest in modelling or texturing.

What I needed were some additional units, with unique abilities/config values, that the MAP did not include...these units are as close as I could get with pure config work.

If any modeller/texture guys want to work on a proper MAP expansion, please contact me. I've got several ideas and would love to collaborate with someone to implement them.

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Did anyone try these out? Like them, hate them, don't understand the point to them...anything?

The download works, right?

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Just give theese guys a run, and they are really good biggrin_o.gif gives the USMC a more realistic feel wink_o.gif

Enogh with new models, change stuff on the exiting ones (with permission ofcoruce wink_o.gif )

good work Kammak smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]An addon for use with Digital Grenade's Marine Assault Pack (MAP) v1.0.  Released with permission from Suchey.  **This is not an official Digital Addon**.  This addon **does not** overwrite any original Digital Grenade files.

So you have only inherited from the original addon, not changed anything? I think asking for permission to inherit from an addon is going overboard a bit? It's like asking permission every time you release a mission that references a non BIS addon.

As long as you make it clear that an addon makers addons are required, and you provide a link, should you need to do anymore? I understand it's polite to ask, but being impolite is not the same as ripping off someone’s work?

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I use the models from Suchey's MAP pack, but created new classes, not inherited from SUCHusmc.pbo.

The new units have differing config values from the units using the same models in SUCHusmc.pbo...is that what you are asking?

I didn't just derive a new class from Suchey's and change the display name, if that is what you are thinking.

The point was to have Recon (with recon attributes) in woodland MARPAT, Corpsman with the same recon training, and snipers with appropriate enhanced stealth and spotting attributes.

I think using someone elses models to make a new class definitely requires the original author's OK - that only seems proper and polite.

A bit different than just making a mission using an addon.

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