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ok I wan't to unlock an apc with soldiers when it has reached a beach. when a grenade explodes on the apc the soldiers just jump out in the water. a locked vehicle should do it but then the soldiers can't get out on the beach. so what's the code fore locking/unlocking vehicles rock.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Description:

Disable parts of AI behaviour to get fine control over unit. Section is one of "TARGET" (disable watching assinged target), "AUTOTARGET" (disable independed target assigning and watching unknown targets), "MOVE" (disable movement).


soldierOne disableAI "Move"

Should stop them from jumping out? smile_o.gif

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Should stop them from jumping out? smile_o.gif

Not working. I already tried to figure it out but it is impossible. Pilots always jump out.

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u could do something like

NOT(guy in vehicle insertnamehere)

guy moveindriver/cargo/gunner insernamehere


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That will cause him to jump out again as soon as he gets in. Better would be to setdammage 0 the APC in a loop untill it has reached the beach. Or just setcaptive it.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

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Could always put them on an alternate place on the playing arena and then when the APC reaches the shore you can easily use a trigger right on the shoreline to make them get back in (x moveincargo y - repeat as neccesary) and then having them all disembark with a trigger right after that.

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