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Updates For OFP?

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Hey guys.. i have not played Operation Flashpoint for years but am going to get back into it after seeing some pics that make the game look & play better.. i sent away for the game of the year edition of OFP & should get it in the next few days.. so anyway what i wanna know is what are some great recommended updates to make the game more up to date? like graphic updates, sound, performance or any update that will bring the game up to date..

be great if you could give me links to the files..

ps. i know of VBS but that is to much $$$.. but i know there are some great free updates out there to make the game look better...


oh & my system..

p4 2.8c at 3ghz

radeon 9800 pro 128mb.

512mb ram. (know i need more)

sb audigy 2 zs

win xp pro

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- DXDLL 1.0: Adds postprocessing effects, reflective water, and some other good stuff.

- Hisky Mod: Adds high-resolution skies.

- High-Res Island Objects: Updates the original CWC islands with high-quality objects and foliage.

- Improved Malden Textures: Improves the basic Malden textures.

- Improved Everon Textures: Improves the basic Everon textures.

- Improved Kolgujev Textures: Improves the basic Kolgujev textures.

- Improved Desert Island Textures: Improves the basic Desert Island textures.

All of these can be used together!

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Welcome flashoflight, I hope you have fun with OFP...here are those links you requested wink_o.gif .

Only Patch You Need (right click + save as)

Kegety's Graphics Enhancer which takes complete advantage of Direct X.


And then you have a very nice OFP Total Conversion MOD by pappy boyington....


Needed X-Tra Files

Raft Patch For the MOD


......And if you are not happy with OFP's current animations....use this better anim pack here

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thanks alot guys for the help..

some nice addons there.. i will go download them now..

if there is anymore.. let me know smile_o.gif

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oh & is there a update to make the vehicle models better? cars/tanks/planes/ships & so on.. thanks..

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yep download the y2k3 update, it replaces all the default units smile_o.gif

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cool thanks..

i got 2gb downloaded of ofp mods & updates.. see how i go smile_o.gif

is there any mods or graphic updates that don't work well together that i should know about?

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Hi flashoflight

There are several Mods that upgrade OFP they all run from MOD folders so they dont screw up your Resistance setup. wink_o.gif

War Games League (WGL) An excelent conversion of OFP very good for Multi Player. Great Smoke effects. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....10;st=0 Lots of maps on their forum.

FinMod Great conversion with nice effects gives loads of finnish units as well as new Russian units.




Dont forget to give the big addon sites a look lots of missions there too



http://www.ofpec.com/ The top site editing as well

I would be remiss if I did not mention our own site


We were the first to put mines in OFP, We brought swimming to OFP with our divers addon. We brough proper indirect fire artillery to OFP that is simple to use and terrifying to see. Topedoes, Cruise missiles, Nukes.

We also extended command and control with the command engen so you can now have gigantic battles in OFP commanding multiple sections platoons and companies.

If you have a chance pop over to Zeus to play some big MP Coops with WGL and CoC Artillery lead a squad or scout for the artillery or fly CAS in copter or command the whole all arms mechanised company.http://www.ofp-zeus.com/nuke/

Kind Regards Walker

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Quote[/b] ]is there any mods or graphic updates that don't work well together that i should know about?

DXDLL should work for you, I have the same graphics card. As for mods, you can use hisky with any mod. However, you can't mix any mods that replace the primary config (Examples being CSLA, FDF, ECP, and WGL). The only mod that you shouldn't mix with Hisky is WGL.

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ok thanks again guys for the help..

got the game today.. installed a few mods already.. but im not happy with how the game is performing.. its running slower then it should on my system..

like its lagging or something.. anyone know what it could be? is there something i need to change to get it to run better? for an older game it should run great on my system..

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It doesn't work like that, modern games are optimised for modern Directx, modern graphics cards, modern drivers etc. But that said with moderate tweaking the game can be made to run very well, for one thing don't set your view distance too high, depending on your system 2000-3000 is good, main killer is terrain detail, don't expect very high to run well, personally I go with very low as I prefer the detail in other areas smile_o.gif

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also turn off the vertical sync.

I had sth like 20-30 FPS with it. Now it gets way beyond that.

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yeah i see that terrain detail is a big hitter in performance..

i have it set to high with view distance at 1500 or halfway..

it really craps its self when i get it to highest.. atm it seems to be able at high with view at halfway.. i will play around with the settings.. but yeah your right.. the game is not optimized for the latest computers... but still smile_o.gif

but anyway the game looks great with the graphic updates.. its still the best war game ever i reckon.. was way ahead of its time when it came out & still is.. no game yet has matched the sheer size of the maps & battles of this game yet.. its pretty amazing.. i still find myself being scared in the middle of the woods with a tank or two rolling around outside.. cant wait for ofp 2.. amazing game still...

again thanks for the help guys & girls?

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