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New "Test" Scope

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I working on some new Scope. smile_o.gif (Sniper Scope)

This Scope is made for 10x-55x Zoom.

I made a enemy distance tabell on the right side of the Scope, It's tell you the distance to the enemy from 400m to 1200 m when the enemy stay. I gona make the rest soon. I add some pictue, take a look

Pic 1: 400 Meter with 55x Zoom


Pic 2: 1200 Meter with 55x Zoom


What you all think??

Well this is only i idea of my new Scope, but it works.

Well, its not finish yet, but i'am going to make a default scope for M24 and SVD later.


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Thats amazing. Is there any lag or anything?

Is it possible to automatically zero in on what your gonna shoot?

That would be really cool.

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It's no lag here. Well nothing is automatic here, i don't think is possible to make a scope to zoom in the enemy automatic. The right side of the scope is made for 55xZoom and Zoom out to 10x. But in the 10xZoom will not that tabell on the right side work, so i have to make a another tabell for 10xZoom in the left side on the scope. The tabell only work for standing enemy or running tounge_o.gif . But sooner i'am gonna make tabell for different posision of the enemy.

Well, its a dream i have about this scope, so i hope when i am finish, i hope its work smile_o.gif

Thanks if you all like my idea.

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Thats too bad. Either way its a great idea. Real cool.

What gun you gonna put that on? A .50 cal would be nice. Or it would be cool if you put it on the tanks gunner and comander scope like in real life. Better yet It would cool to put range finder on a jets or helos FLIR.

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LOL sounds great to use in a tanks or somthing, but first i like to put this scope in some sniper riffles, M24sws, SVD and ofcourse in a .50 cal he he.

Well i hope my idea work, biggrin_o.gif

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Or how about in NVG's? I dont think its real but on the fake movies like 007 or other stuff like that they have a range finder built in.

It would be nice for binoculars as well. Will you make a special scope model? I would imagine in real life they would be a bit bigger than normal scopes.

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Or how about in NVG's? I dont think its real but on the fake movies like 007 or other stuff like that they have a range finder built in.

It would be nice for binoculars as well. Will you make a special scope model? I would imagine in real life they would be a bit bigger than normal scopes.

its not fake, the Barret M82 has a scope (well can be mounted on it) that has severl veiw settings including infered, night vision (starlight) and the "normal' smile_o.gif

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If you find out how to make animations on the scope you are godlike - if it is possible tounge_o.gif .

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I'am not so good in anim.

But first of all, this scope is mean for Sniper Riffles, its will tell you how far (ca..) the enemy is, than i going to make a tabell thats tell you how many dot you have to look over the enemy.

Exemple: Lets try with a M24sws with 10x Zoom and you find out the enemy officer are 1000m away, well then the tabell tels you, you have to look 1 dot over the officer, than shot ;)

he he, hope you all understand what i mean smile_o.gif

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I'am back!

I was just making a scope for a standard M24 SWS with 10xZoom and 950 m/s in initspeed.

Hope you all like it?

Some pic her:

Full view:


The right side is from 400m-1000m++

And the left side is from 300m down to 100m

And how it's work: The enemy are 1000m away


Hope you all like it smile_o.gif

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I donwt know.... to much lines on the scope - i dont like that design. Points on the y-line are good enough to sniper on distance!

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Well, offcourse i can remove all the lines, but now how do you know how fare the enemy are? Well, i think the distance is very importen. If you don't know the distance you may not hit him on one shot, because you don't know how mutch you have to look over or under the cross th hit him.

But, ofcorse i can remove some of the lines.

Thanks anyway smile_o.gif

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yeah maybe that. I don't know yeat. Maybe i gonna change the all. But it's work fine, i hit the target smile_o.gif

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Maximus-Sniper, I don't want to brag, but if you want to see how the real M24's optical sight Leupold Mark 4 M3-10x40 looks in OFP and how to use mil-dot reticle for range estimating, you should download my M24 at ofp.info. Be sure to read the readme.txt file that comes with it.

Range estimating system in your scope is useless when engaging targets that are only partly visible.

Some estimation guidelines for use with my OFP's version of Mark 4 M3-10x40 scope and the real one:

When engaging targets that are fully visible:

Average height of a man is 5'9".

69 inches x .0254 x 1000 = Range to target in meters

   Size of target in mils

When engaging targets that are only partly visible:

The normal distance from the breastbone to the top of the head is 19 inches.

19 inches x 0.254 x 1000 = Range to target in meters

   Size of target in mils

Normal height of human head is 10 inches.

10 inches x .0254 x 1000 = Range to target in meters

   Size of target in mils

This two examples may prove to be of specific use when facing an enemy entranched in bunkers, in vehicles or in dense vegetation.

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Extremely complicated, fellow norwegian. nice.

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Yeah, looks like to complicated for me, but anyway i like the post from Andraz. I'am still working on that sight. make it better and found another way to all thats line rock.gif


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