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Border Problems

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Ok guys I have been making league maps for sometime now but just recently or since 1.96 I have had this bug with the maps borders or Safezones. When I setup the borders in the editor and tst them they are perfert and even when I save them and test them on my own server they work fine but when I throw them on a dedicated server they are way off like almost 30 meters off. Is my OFP bugged or is this a 1.96 bug or is there some extra scripting involved in 1.96? Please Help.

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There's one possible reason for your problem, that i know of;

Rectangular trigger's detection recognition seem to get screwed up in multiplayer.

This is however not an 1.96 bug - i encountered this bug way

before resistance, but i couldn't figure out what was going wrong.

Situation: a couple of rectangular triggers - simulating some

kind'a mine fields. Whenever somebody entered these triggers,

a script was started, creating a couple of explosions.

Now when been testing those even on a non-dedicated server

with even only 2 other participiants, ppl where blown way off

these trigger's areas.

Later when resistance came out, Terox Joltan and me met

together in a thread at OFPEC, as we seemed to have a similar


The result was: rectangular triggers do not work correct in


hope this helps

~S~ CD

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