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bullet proof vest

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the other day i was playing the war games mod and an idea popped in my head could the rucksaks on their could be remodeled into vests or start from scatch and instead of carrying items could act as a temporary shield like after about 15 shots to the torso 10 to the back and 5-7 shots to the side would cease functioning you could still wear but it would provide less protection and could be able to take it on and off with action menu

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Wouldn't something like this have to be part of the original unit? When using the goggles, face masks, etc that are animated objects they are built into the addon units such as BAS troops.

Another question, why use the backpack addon, when you would be remodelling it and taking away it's carrying function? Aren't you just starting from scratch then anyways? You would be changing that entire addon so you are really just making a new object.

I have seen a few troops that have super-armor. Sort of simulating Terminator-style soldiers. They have extremely high hitpoint values, but this is coded into the troop itself and not any armor he wears.

From what I assume, to make a vest addon you would have to model it to "fit" all known soldiers, or to make it a part of a new soldier addon. If you make it a stand-alone wearable addon like the backpacks, I don't see how it could be made to act as armor, unless it was heavily scripted to change hitpoint values of a soldier that put it on. To make a new unit or units that have this coded into them would be easier. Have the vest an object that can be picked up and worn like a backpack item, but it is made to fit all the units in the pack. A script might be used to detect if the vest is worn, and if so it can increase the unit hitpoints. Would probably have to be coded into the config or something for all this to work right?

Not a bad idea, has been thought of before. But seems nobody has had enough interest to take up this project yet. We've seen the CoC Combat Swimmers, and many other interesting addons that allow possibilities once thought impossible. Maybe someone can figure this out in a way that looks good as well as reacts well.

Edit: A few extra notes - The reason it would not work well as a standalone addon is that it will not "fit" all units the same, so with some soldiers it might not appear nicely, such as resting inside their torso model, or looking like it's too big for them and hovering around them. So by making it part of an addon pack is much better, just model all soldiers to have same shaped torso region so that it appears to fit them properly.

Also, it might take a lot of scripts to work well. When a soldier wears it, it would add hitpoint to them, or better yet just detect hits and calculate the points that would have been taken. When a certain number of points are reached, the script stops and the vest is no longer "active", therefore the units now takes the damage. It would also have to detect what part of the body was hit, and only let the vest retain the shot if it was within torso region.

Another small problem is that a vest object must "remember" how many hits it took. This would prevent people from taking a few hits, and then removing and reapplying the vest to reset its protection values. Sort of the same way a dropped weapon remembers how many rounds are left in the magazine and how many magazines are left.

If possible, maybe the vest instead would work like a vehicle? The CoC Diver uses a method like this, maybe the vest could be set to work similar, allowing the wearer to still walk and run and crawl, fire his weapon, etc. But the protected area would absorb the hits the same as a light vehicle. Only when the vest is destroyed, it doesn't have some lame animation like smoke and distortion. Just ideas, and sounds like a lot of work either way. Sorry for this post being so long.

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