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Car handeling like a Tank

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Hey guys,

Where at I44 got one small bug we just cant solve.

There's a Hanomag that got tracks and steering wheels. We all know that can't be done togetter.

So what we wanted to do is just simply make it a Tank. Only thing is a Hanomag looks like this Its open.

So now we forced the gunner and driver to turn out. That worked out fine. But then this happend

We all know that if your the driver of a tank and you hit "Turn out" that the gunner cant move his turret anymore.

And thats what we got now. a moving tank that cant move his turret... rock.gif

Now my big quastion is, is there anyway to bypass this so

the gunner still cán move is turret if the driver is "Turned out"

Config from what I got so far

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgVehicles


 class All {};

 class AllVehicles: All {};

 class Land: AllVehicles {};

 class LandVehicle: Land {};

 class Tank: LandVehicle {};

 class RussianTank: Tank {};

 class T80: RussianTank {};

 class hakl_251: T80







   displayName="SdK.fz. 251 (new)";

   maxSpeed = 45;




   class HitTurret








class HitGun







   outGunnerMayFire = true;









   viewCargoInExternal = true;


   forcehidedriver = false;

   forcehidegunner = true;

   hideProxyInCombat = false;

   driverCastShadow = true;

   driverOpticsModel = "optika_empty";

   gunnerCastShadow = true;

   gunnerOpticsModel = "optika_empty";










   unloadInCombat = true;




   model= "\i44_hakl\i44_hakl.p3d";



   class Animations


class armour











class Turret


gunAxis = "OsaHlavne";

turretAxis = "OsaVeze";


gunBeg = "usti hlavne";

gunEnd = "konec hlavne";

minElev=-20; maxElev=+20;

minTurn=-35; maxTurn=+35;

body = "OtocVez";

gun = "OtocHlaven";


class TransportWeapons


class MP40






class TransportMagazines


class MP40Mag






hideWeaponsDriver = true;

hideWeaponsGunner = true;

hideWeaponsCommander = true;





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from my own experiments, it seem the 'turnout' command is 'hardwired' into the engine and cannot be removed easily while i was creating the rotating searchlights bunker.

However dont give up hope, there might be a way, just not discovered yet wink_o.gif

One suggestion to the car/tank model u r making:-

1. make it into a jeepMg class

2. for front wheels, it can follow the normal 02 selections.

3. for the balance rear wheels and tracks, create as many wheels as u want and name them all rear wheels - the wheel animation should work for all of them.

4. If u cant have a proper thread animation - do an illusion trick - create treads on the wheel and let the wheel part rotate - it would seem the thread is moving when the wheels turns but the horizontal threads are not.

Another way I have not tried this - perhaps u can copy the tank's track and wheel selection names and memory points of tank for the car class and then inherit the points in cfgModels the way we inherit zasleh?

All the best! smile_o.gif

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dont rememeber exacly the word but have you tried the : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> outGunnerMayFire=true;

maybe it could help rock.gif

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dont rememeber exacly the word but have you tried the :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">outGunnerMayFire=true;

maybe it could help rock.gif

I think that just means that the gunner can still fire when

'turned-out'. But the turret is fixed, so he can only fire along

the axis of the vehicle.

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Yeah I tried that to.

As for the car with animated wheels / tracks is our last result.

But we just dont want to do it :P

If there issent anything at this time ill be using the car cpp again with animated wheels.

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The other possibility is to take the polys from a soldier model

and put them into the res LOD's. Then hide/show them

depending on whether there's a driver present in the


Of course, that wouldn't work for different uniforms or faces,

and the driver wouldn't animate.

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Yes, thats a good one.

Maybe you can detect with a script wich model is in there.

And then can change it with the hiddenselections. But that also will mean that there allot of poly's inside the model... hehe

We will keep it as an option ;)

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Another thought is this:

Maybe you could have the soldier reversed,turnout is actually turned in,have the turned out anim a sitting anim and the turnin is the standing anim

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why not make it car class, and have animation stuff on the tracks..

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Maybe you could have the soldier reversed,turnout is actually turned in,have the turned out anim a sitting anim and the turnin is the standing anim

This is a idea I havent thought of yet!

Ill try it out. Tnx for this one BraT

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