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FDF CTI Maldevic

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Medicus, the 1-8th has been playing your version 1.8, and like it alot. I added the commanche helo to the FDF, since the helos on the FDF side are not exactly packing any real firepower. Hope you do not mind I did that.

I would like to add the ability to build weapons crates back. How and what do I need to do to get that back. I already created the weaponscrate script and put it in the loadouts folder. I am just not sure were to go, after that.

Also I want to have there be some more resistance in the towns. Will turning up the value of the towns accomplish that or is there something else I will have to edit?

I noticed that after destroying the roving M1 tanks, they never come back. Is it possible that they can respawn a few more times, after being destroyed. I like the element they add to the game.

Again great job with the FDF map, and look forward to future maps. biggrin_o.gif

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I would like to add the ability to build weapons crates back. How and what do I need to do to get that back. I already created the weaponscrate script and put it in the loadouts folder. I am just not sure were to go, after that.

You also have to add it to the Main/Stats and Build/BuildStructureServer.sqs. But that shouldn't be such a big deal. Just search for the Musit or the sergey and do it the same way with the ammocrades.

Quote[/b] ]Also I want to have there be some more resistance in the towns. Will turning up the value of the towns accomplish that or is there something else I will have to edit?
just add more units to the groups in the towns (if you add a new group, copy and past the init-line of the present goupleader/tank). The townvalue is editable in the init of the towns flag.
Quote[/b] ]I noticed that after destroying the roving M1 tanks, they never come back. Is it possible that they can respawn a few more times, after being destroyed. I like the element they add to the game.
Afaik there is a CTI with a own resistance tank-factory, but i'm not sure how zto add this one.


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<span style='color:blue'>FDF crCTI v2.0</span> ready to download tounge_o.gif

I converted Cleanrock's crCTI v0.5 to Finmod v1.3. Playersides are Resistance and East. The Units in the towns are now West (NATO).

crCTI-Manual and crCTI-Changelog


<ul>[*]Replaced all units/weapons/vehicles with FDF-Units

[*]Changed Player-Sides to Resistance (Finland) and East

[*]Limited Basebuildings to 1 of each type

[*]One "ViewDistance"-Option added (now 900/1100/1400)

[*]Increased price for "Repairing MHQ" (now 70000)

[*]MD500-AT added to finish side

Known Bugs:

<ul>[*]Vehicles with mounted Musti/SPG can't be rearmed

[*] Pup-Up-Message: "Missing Addon: "KegnocainSnow" if you buy an east T55 ... forgot to add that to the mission.sqm. You can play on without problems, but it's a little bit annoying ... Will be fixed soon!

Needed Addons:

<ul>[*]FinMod v1.3

[*]FDF DeserPack (für crCTI Al Maldajah)

[*] WinterNogojev v1.1

[*]Mapfact Baracken v1.1

[*]crCTI-Addon (included)

[*]CTI-Markers (included)



(includes FDF-crCTI on Karjala, Maldevic and Al Maldajah) [1.1mb]

You can also download the single missions on our new HomePage smile_o.gif

Again a big THANK YOU to Cleanrock for his nice crCTI-Missions!

Have Fun! tounge_o.gif

MfG MEDICUS smile_o.gif

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I think there will soon be some on other islands, too. Like EastBorder, and perhaps Havelte.

MEDICUS smile_o.gif

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<span style='color:blue'>FDF crCTI v2.1</span> ready to download tounge_o.gif

This is an update for the FDF crCTI v2.0 Missions. Fixed the "Missing Addon"-Bug and added some more units/vehicles/basebuildings.

I also added 2 more missions. One for FDF Eastborder and a "Rebel" version of the FDF crCTI Karjala. In this one the players/units are the nice FDF Paramilitarys and Rebels, you start with less money and some "older" weapons .... and finaly the NATO fits in the towns tounge_o.gif

crCTI-Manual and crCTI-Changelog

FDF Changelog:

<ul>2.0[*]Replaced all units/weapons/vehicles with FDF-Units

[*]Changed Player-Sides to Resistance (Finland) and East

[*]Limited Basebuildings to 1 of each type

[*]One "ViewDistance"-Option added (now 900/1100/1400)

[*]Increased price for "Repairing MHQ" (now 70000)


[*]Kriegerdaemon's VTO-script added

[*]Some more vehicles/weapons added

[*]Base-Buildings added

[*]AI-Base-Buildings added

Known Bugs:

<ul>[*]Vehicles with mounted Musti/SPG can't be rearmed

Needed Addons:

<ul>[*]FinMod v1.3

[*]FDF DeserPack (für crCTI Al Maldajah)

[*] WinterNogojev v1.1

[*]Mapfact Baracken v1.1

[*]crCTI-Addon (included)

[*]CTI-Markers (included)



(includes 5 FDF-crCTIs: Al Maldajah, Maldevic, Eastborder and 2 on Karjala) [1.9mb]

You can also download the single missions on our new HomePage smile_o.gif

Have Fun! tounge_o.gif

MfG MEDICUS smile_o.gif

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This missions are also playable as coop or in SP. The AI-Commander builts a very nice (and defended) base and acts very agressiv. The AI should even attack your/the players base and basebuildings smile_o.gif

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Just found out that the VTO-Script only works in SP sad_o.gif

Try to fix that as soon as possible

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