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Need "brainless" commander...

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)a)( @ June 27 2004,20:35)]Hi,

i need a brainless groupleader. He should neither give orders nor assign targets.

"disableAI","dostop" and "stop" does not work.

Any ideas?!

I Just tested with me as driver and gunner with a Trigger: Commander Disable Target. all he said was CONTACT, Then i got out and he didnt command me back in or say any thing.

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Quote[/b] ]Ah, the infamous "MP does not obey SP rules" problem.
Unfortunately it's true!

Why use only one, when you can use them all...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">enableradio false

_this disableAI "target"

_this disableAI "autotarget"

_this disableAI "move"

dostop _this

_this stop true

I used simply everything to cook the commanders brain and make him shut up, and it's works partly. He does no longer gimme targets, or call me back into formation. Even my player stopped to talk to him automatically by radio (Announce targets etc.). But he still talks to me by radio and wants me out of vehicles or back into vehicles, depending where the vehicle is local. When the vehicle is local on the server, he want's me out. When it's local on the client and i left it, he wants me back into it. BTW a vehicle becomes automatically local on your client when you entered it as driver. If you has entered it as gunner, commander or cargo nothing changes.

Commands like "assignasdriver","unassignvehicle" or "leavevehicle" doesn't solve the problem. Even with the following script, which i tested on the Client, on the Server and on both together.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~2

_player = player


  @vehicle _player != _player || !alive _player

  ?!alive _player : Goto "Wait"


  _veh = vehicle _player

  If (driver _veh == _player) then {_player assignasdriver _veh} else {If (gunner _veh == _player) then {_player assignasgunner _veh} else {If (commander _veh == player) then {_player assignascommander _veh} else {_player assignascargo _veh}}}

  [_player] ordergetin true

  @vehicle _player == _player || !alive _player

  ?!alive _player : Goto "Wait"


  unassignvehicle _player

  _player leavevehicle _veh

  _player assignasdriver objnull

  _player assignasgunner objnull

  _player assignascommander objnull

  [_player] ordergetin true

Goto "Loop"


  @alive player

  _player = player

Goto "Loop"

So, any suggestions are welcome!

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Maybe you should make the player to join "grpnull" when entering a vehicle and join again the AI commander group as soon as he disembark from a vehicle.

This way the commander will not ask you to disembark or enter again the vehicle.

But , as it is on "MP rules" , again i do not know what will be the result.

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Maybe you should make the player to join "grpnull" when entering a vehicle and join again the AI commander group as soon as he disembark from a vehicle.

This way the commander will not ask you to disembark or enter again the vehicle.

But , as it is on "MP rules" , again i do not know what will be the result.

A quite good idea, but when the player get killed meantime, the he will unfortunately respawn as seagull and not as a groupmember, as it should be.

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I am not sure , as i know mostly nothing about the priorities or behaviour of OFP editing in MP .

But isn't there a way with an eventhandler or a getdammage to make a grpnull human player (because he entered a vehicle in my previous suggestion) to join the AI Commander group as soon as a dammage on him is detected ?

Could be a way to have the player become member of the AI commander group again, just before dying, preventing the seagull fate.

But certainly it can be a problem if the player will not die from his wounds, as in this situation he will be alive in a vehicle and grouped with the AI Commander with all the previous problems coming back.

I wonder if there is a way to really remove the AI brain of an unit.

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I am not sure , as i know mostly nothing about the priorities or behaviour of OFP editing in MP .

But isn't there a way with an eventhandler or a getdammage to make a grpnull human player (because he entered a vehicle in my previous suggestion) to join the AI Commander group as soon as a dammage on him is detected ?

Could be a way to have the player become member of the AI commander group again, just before dying, preventing the seagull fate.

But certainly it can be a problem if the player will not die from his wounds, as in this situation he will be alive in a vehicle and grouped with the AI Commander with all the previous problems coming back.

I wonder if there is a way to really remove the AI brain of an unit.

just camcreate a unit there so DUMB they dont detect being shot smile_o.gif

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If i remember well, you can not use a camcreated soldier as a commanding officer, because you can't join him.

It would have been a very good solution to the problem.

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yes u cant join them but what about them join and lead your squad   ;)

ak nvm guess i didnt test that part :S

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Creating Soldiers using createvehicle or camcreate does not have an AI. The AI is integrated in the characteristic "group", which is used by the command createunit only. And if they don't have an AI, you can't join their group, and they can't join your group. Just as a empty jeep cannot join your group.

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