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-=BT=- Matty R

Snipers from Ghost in the Grass - a release!

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Marine Sniper,

My only suggestion is to remove that awful face that you have hard coded into the model and allow OFP to use the default faces randomly, thereby also allowing custom faces to be assigned using the setface command. Not everyone likes their snipers to have lipstick, and eyeshadow. crazy_o.gif

Other than that, it looks pretty good. Keep improving it though, im sure you still see room for improvement in some areas.

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Not everyone likes their snipers to have lipstick, and eyeshadow.

They don't ? wow_o.giftounge_o.gif

Anyway, What I like about these units the most is the fact that they actually work well.

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I was really looking forward to finally trying out a decent M40 - according to OFPEC, there isn't even an RLK tag sad_o.gif

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I was really looking forward to finally trying out a decent M40 - according to OFPEC, there isn't even an RLK tag  sad_o.gif

since the dawn of addons theres been unregisterd addon tags

ive found alot of 1.46 era addons that were taged

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ofp.info has uploaded version 1.1 whitch fixes the m40a1 error.

But i'm not sure if it fixes the orange tracer

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Orange tracer remains and m40 takes too much time to reload

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Yeah the reload time needs to be fixed.

I can ram a bolt action faster then that. tounge_o.gif

Though maybe the 10 seconds is supposed to simulate recentering the cross hairs? rock.gif

I know In Tactical Ops when you fire the parker hale 85 you loose your target id because your scope view dissapears,

the gun moves when you reload, and by then if the other player isn't dead........ You are. mad_o.gif Which is prety realistic, and it's forced me to take more careful aim. tounge_o.gif

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Nice to finally see a decent M40 in OFP - but I agree about the reload time...I'd like it to be similar to BAS M24. I'd also like to see a "clean" version with no rags on it too .

[PS - Nice sig there HMMWV...but your avatar is oversized (179kb). Please reduce it to 100kb or less  wink_o.gif ]

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Yeah the reload time needs to be fixed.

I can ram a bolt action faster then that.  tounge_o.gif

Though maybe the 10 seconds is supposed to simulate recentering the cross hairs?  rock.gif

I know In Tactical Ops when you fire the parker hale 85 you loose your target id because your scope view dissapears,

the gun moves when you reload, and by then if the other player isn't dead........ You are.  mad_o.gif Which is prety realistic, and it's forced me to take more careful aim.  tounge_o.gif

It takes that long for it to reload because in real life you don't just ram the bolt as fast as you can (it depends on the type of the mission though)... you supposed to take the empthy shell casing out of the gun with your hand, so the flying shell/brass won't give away your position, put the shell on the ground near you and then put a new round in the chamber, and move the bolt forward.

Anyway, I triyed doing the same thing with the empthy shell casings (didn't want to shoot a big hole in my wall, by an accident tounge_o.gif ), just to see how long it would take me.. and it took me about 8.5 seconds, so 15 is a bit too much, thats why I changed it to 10 in the config (just for my own use), and also made a sweet firing/reloading sound which is about 8 seconds long..

BTW, this addon is pretty nice, I like the sniper with the bushes on the back the best, had to make myself a spotter from one of them, with a M16/203 combo, they work pretty good together...

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