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Annoying problem

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Gear on plane works fine repeatedly up down until land for 2nd time then when taking off again it won't retract and actually dissapears from action menu.

EH int

Quote[/b] ]_plane = _this select 0

?((getpos _plane select 2) >=25 and _plane animationPhase "ani_nosegear"==0): [_plane] exec "\csjf100\gearup.sqs"

?((getpos _plane select 2) <=24  and _plane animationPhase "ani_nosegear"==1): [_plane] exec  "\csjf100\geardn.sqs"


EH gear

Quote[/b] ]


_plane = _this select 0

?(_plane animationPhase "ani_nosegear"==1):exit

;open all covers before retracting gear

_plane say "gear"

_plane Animate ["ani_frontwhR", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_rightwheelcover", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_leftwheelcover", 0];


;Retract wheels and skidrail

_plane say "gear"

_plane Animate ["ani_nosegear", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_reargearleft", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_reargearright", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_gearleft", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_gearright", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_hydleft", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_hydright", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_skidrail", 1];


_plane Vehiclechat "Landing Gear up and locked"

;Close remaining covers

_plane say "gear"

_plane Animate ["ani_frontwhR", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_rightwheelcover", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_leftwheelcover", 1];

_plane animationPhase "ani_nosegear"==1


;gear down

_plane = _this select 0

?(_plane animationPhase "ani_nosegear"==0):exit

;open all covers before lowering gear

_plane say "gear"

_plane Animate ["ani_frontwhR", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_rightwheelcover", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_leftwheelcover", 0];


;Lower wheels and skidrail

_plane say "gear"

_plane Animate ["ani_nosegear", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_reargearleft", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_reargearright", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_gearleft", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_gearright", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_hydleft", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_hydright", 0];

_plane Animate ["ani_skidrail", 0];


_plane Vehiclechat "Landing Gear down and locked"

;Close main covers

_plane say "gear"

_plane Animate ["ani_frontwhR", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_rightwheelcover", 1];

_plane Animate ["ani_leftwheelcover", 1];

_plane animationPhase "ani_nosegear"==0


I can't find problem have been over it heaps of times and made changes but nothing helps.

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If it wasn't so funny you would cry  sad_o.gif

Turns out the problem is nosegear.

Changed it to frontwheel and all works better.

So don't name your nosegear "nosegear" (silly name for it anyway wink_o.gif )

What is also funny is that 8 times out of ten you end up answering your problems.

Just helps to talk about it.

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OK seriously ppl don't take any notice of whats written above is all utter UTTer cods wallop.

So plz don't go changing the name of your nosegear.

I was just having a dig at something - sorry if I inconvenieced anybody.

When (if) I work out real answer I'll let you know.

Unless someone already knows the answer then plz feel free to lets us know.

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If you land really bad and take some dammage, then your gear is dammaged and the Gear-action menu disappears.

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That could be part of the reason coz before I adjusted the landingAoa they use to bunny hop.

Also I found a conflict between games gear and mine but that is fixed now.

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I am a little confused,your using the "gear" eventhandler?

How come your eventhandler line doesn't look like what we discussed in this topic?


If your trying to use automatic landing gear,I would suggest the cfgvehicles line :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

gearRetracting = false;

Its been a while,but I had the intentions and implemented automatic gear of one of the first Corsairs,don't recall the exact method I used,but people didn't want it,wasn't realistic for that era of plane anyways,and what happens when you land on a carrier? Your gear may not retract,it should on carriers like Hawks Nimitz,but my Kaga isn't designed like that,its several meters height and requires manual usage and I plan on implementing a landing script for AI

back to your disappearing gear problem,could be the naming somewheres messing it up...not sure what to say,the Corsair gear disappears at times, the Sb2C landing gear is pretty bulletproof,maybe look in that

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I remember now how I used automatic gear with the Corsair,I used the gear eventhandler somewhat exactly like that topic link I posted

And in the "init" eventhandler (i ran my manager.sqs)

But the script needs to cycle,similiar to what you have and manually call the script and the useractions changed properly

If your useractions are disappearing,it could be in the naming somewheres ,but you still need to use the "gear" eventhandler like in that topic link

You still have the "gear" eventhandler or just using the "init" one?

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The main problem was I think -

I was running the AI gear up & down thru the players script and that was double calling the gear (if possible).

I would send for planes up then recall them

all would land safely but #1 and 3 the gear animation was up -

then send 'em all up again

this time #2 and 4 would crash on landing even tho it appeared their gear was down.

I had put a copy of the init gearup.sqs in the other EH which when found and removed seemed to of fixed prob.

Anyway I think all is well now  rock.gif

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