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Magic error

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Is there a list if errors, where I coud find what that means.

I checked forum and there was sth about a bus and an island.

I need an answer for a gun.

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Well I had this error message once when I had a typo in the model path... crazy_o.gif

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I have "can't load bla bla bla. (magic)"

What does this magic error reffer to?

What is it?

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Is there a faces and vertex number limit in O2?

Model too complex?

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Piece of &^&^%#%@$@$@%% O2.

I worked so hard on a model. To keep it detailed and true to reality.

Now it goes down to drain because the same application can't f..... read it.

Not to mention that there is no support for this tool. whenever and whatever happens it's F... U. Help yourself; deal with it.

All complaint if there is no read me with every addon.

But here ... there is no knowledge base at all. Just speculations.

I appologize to all. I should have stayed out of it. It is frustrating that i spend whole last week on making sth that will never come out.

Interesting enough is the fact that I saw "leading programmers" for OFP here in official forums. Yet there is no one who would know anything about it.

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OKay O2 is not a perfect application by any means but don't you keep backups?

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what backups?

I didn't loose anything.

I am going to hit the delete key on this addon folder since I am not able to overcome the "magic error" problem.

And I don't want to produce sth less than perfect.

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Here are the model pics. I was testing different textures.

If anyone wants this give me a sign.

If I don't change my mind by today evening, It will be deleted.

Now I am going to a gym - exaust myself.

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The whole reason O2 was not released so long is probably that it would drain BIS manpower to support it. They released it anyway for _free_, and are simply not going to be our little helpers because they actually have work to do. Answering everyones concerns with O2 would translate into a lot of wasted time=money for BIS employees or management. Some things they do explain which we can't pssibly find out without them.

As for you, you need to seriously calm down and relax, we have all had difficult problems during making anything for OFP, but that's life. Sure lifting weights can make you forget about problems and make you feel better, but it doesn't solve these kind of problems. smile_o.gif

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Yes, still if you and I would make an application we would code errors names as They did (magic).

How hard is it to put explanations with other stuff into manual?

In terms of a business it is a product that was created to prolong the OFP life.

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Yes we probably would depending on deadlines, I agree it would be nice to have a list of errors vs description. Still it is no reason to go an delete your addon or whatnot.

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It's fixed.

My magnificence is equalled only by my stupidity. mad_o.gif

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What was the solution?

Odd that the only other time I seen someone with this problem was from a Xanthus in a recent topic.

Multiple accounts?

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here it is:

\addon name\folder name\model name.p3d

That was it. I had only \folder name\model name.p3d

BTW it would be much easier if the message was "can't find *.p3d"

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Thank you

And I see Xanthus actually has a problem with his plants getting the same error...I hope he sees this topic.

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My problem was that the p3d got screwed up somehow, even O2 refused to open it, so I had to remake it. Thankfully, there was only 0.000 LOD in it biggrin_o.gif

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Come on, I had 6700 faces in mine. It would be a waste. smile_o.gif

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I had 6700 faces in mine.

Wow wow_o.gif . I was making a tree so I had only 1200. Somehow OFP engine recognised it as a tree on my island, though I didn't add any named properties like Map: tree. That was really strange.

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and it is a m4 custom rifle.

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