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Spartan 163

Need help with bugs

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In between working on Zombie, Aliens, StarWars, and other stuff I have been working on adding more Bugs to my own mini Rough Neck Trooper mod. I have a low poly warrior bug and it works just fine( replaced the one in the sst mod to make it run better wink_o.gif ). I also got another bug I call an INFILTRATOR (humanoid shape) but I can't get it to atack anything. (I really suck at configs and scripting). Can anyone with more experiance or script savy fix this for me? I'll be happy to send you the files so you can see.

I also need this so I can add some other bugs to the BUG ARMY I have. (spider type and flying type)(might need help with the flying one. Was thinking of making like an invisible jetpack thing to make it flyable and to make a ground unit version of it smile_o.gif .) I tried the Infiltrator bug in Martins jet pack and it made for some tense fire fights trying to knock them out of the sky.

Any help would be nice.

BTW: I love the SST mod stuff and cant wait for thier next release. (I only moded the Bugs for myself and will be asking permission to use some of thier other stuff) wow_o.gif

I aslo have a plasma bug model. You think it would be better to make it into a vehicle so it can shoot those big plasma balls?

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smile_o.gif  The mod guys are cool, but I want to use these things now! LOL. Someone once said that if you want an addon make it yourself. (well I did and I need a bit of help).

These things are not ment to replace the stuff from the SST MOD but to give others ideas for a good starting base.

If you want to spam please go to another topic. Once I get the "bug" worked out I'll release it to the public. (if you want to beta test P.M. me. tounge_o.gif )

(for the ppl from the SST Mod if you need any files of other bugy stuff let me know I have loads of thing I'm waiting to use.) wink_o.gif

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Maybe the mod should take his work instead of being all "Holier than thou".

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Thanks MSpencer, I hope they don't think I'm trying to steel thier thunder. I just wanted a pc friendly bug for my missions and I got carried away making more bugs. Besides I think these bugs can be used in other type maps, not just StarShip Trooper maps. biggrin_o.gif

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No problem. I'm tired of mod teams getting on the little man's back because perhaps they might make models that could better the mod. Frankly, mod teams need to start working with the community instead of looking down on them.

I've seen this a lot and the "Holy Mod Team" ideal is just getting old.

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i agree with the stuff your saying, but we still have the plasma bug model  smile_o.gif and by the way if you make them and the mod too, whats the scence? doubel work? :-P

and i like to work with other guys outside the mod i got lot of friends out there which are helping me by modeling of these bugs (ok they dont model itself but they give me tips)  wink_o.gif

and that stuff about YOUR plasma one, its hard to get it full working cause it has to turn around for firing.

and yes why not id like to test your model


if you like to model bugs, model someones that the mod doesnt still have a model  wink_o.gif  then maybe we can use your models, or join us  biggrin_o.gif

which name you have in the SST forums? or arent you registred?

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WTF i'm not on anyones back, prototype if you want to do some starship troopers stuff feel free, never know, maybe we'll ask you if we can use them with the rest of the SST mod biggrin_o.gif i don't have

and MSpencer STFU we're not being "Holier than thou" if ANY modders want to make anything starship troopers or related that i like then rather than be "Holier than thou" i'd rather get their permission to use it with the rest of the mod,

hey Prototype aren't you making the APC for the USCM mod, how about getting it to me and manticore so i can make it compatable with the dropships cargo loading script

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Sorry about the delay with the apc. I have been working bit by bit to lower the poly count. (most of the were in the weels so I tried to do them from scratch and f*cked them up.) I also remived some parts that had high polys and replaced them with just textures. I'll try to do more work on it and send it to you guys to do the config thing.

Are you doing the halo thing? If so I got an ELITE sitting around just doing nothing and some other color SPARTANS that I have been hanging onto. (I also got that rifle model but have not made a gun addon with it yet if you want it)

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I tought by your sig that you were doing the halo mod thing. smile_o.gif .

LOL. Guess not. tounge_o.gif

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nope....i don't have time to join a halo mod for ofp...but i wanted to make a Starship Troopers mod for HALO biggrin_o.gif

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