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Ten of Swords

Move/stop via radio command question

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I sure know it can be done. I've played two missions that have used it.The default campaign had a mission two clear a convoy then stop them by using the radio menu. And BOH has one to clear a IFV APC then halt it.

Every command that i've tried won't work, nor can I find any thread that explains it. The downloadable command manuals tell nothing of the topic either.

Any help would be appreciated.

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All you do is use a trigger and waypoints or scripts or command in the on activation field of the trigger.

The easyest way would be to get a waypoint for the convoy sincronized with the trigger.

So if you have a convoy, make some waypoints to tel the convoy where to go.

Somewhere along them waypoints, one of them will be a "Hold" tipe of waypoint.

Now create a triger, like that.

Activated by: Radio Alpha( or any other radio you want.

Type: Switch.

Now you car write in there something like "Move convoy", and when you play the mission you'll have the radio command on 0 0 1

Sincronize the triger with the "Hold" waypoint, and when you triger it throught the radio the convoy will live from the "Hold" waypoint and carry on throught the rest of waypoints.

I'm sure someone ellse can explain that much better than me biggrin_o.gif

But I hope it hellps.


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I know how to do that, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I don't want to have a vehicle wait at one waypoint then wait for me to give it the go ahead and continue on its merry way. I want the vehicle to wait and I can have a radio command that's on a repeat value so whenever activated it will move until I activate it again and it will stop... wait... I'll clear any dangers it would normally not be able to handle, then I can again use the radio to get it moving again and I can repeat the process whenever necessary. (I.E. stop, wait, then move; stop, wait, then move)

I hope this helps to clarify things better.

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Place a guy on map, name him (ex: Bob)

To make him go:

Put a trigger: Radio - Alpha, Repeatedly

On Activation: Bob stop false;

To make him stop:

Put another trigger: Radio - Bravo, Repeatedly

On Activation: Bob stop true;

Works with whatever method you use to move Bob.

But you have to waypoints or use 'move' command or something to move him.

Hope this helps,


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its even simplier,

Create the units (Ex: convoy) with their waypoints.

Then you set a trigger:

Activation: Radio Alpha

Type: Switch

Condition: this

Text: Convoy Start

set it to: repeatedly

Syncronisize the trigger with the first waypoint of the convoy ( make sure that the 1st waypoint is close to the start position).

Stop trigger: ( Name of convoy leader: Convoy

Activation: Radio Bravo

Type: Swtich

condition: this

Activation line: leader Convoy dostop

set it on repeatedly too.

Hope that helps. If not play around with the Syncronization function.

Daywalker biggrin_o.gif

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or you can do like this

make a trigger

activation: radio alpha


on activation: truck1 setfuel 0

then make a second trigger

activation: radio bravo


on activation: truck1 setfuel 1

I have not test this but is should work beacuse when you order the convoy to stop the leadertruck will be out off fuel and when you order it to move it will get the fuel back. wink_o.gif

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AFAIK, if its no fuell in a vehicle, the AI will avandone it.


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Ten -- link for example then click on My documents/OFP example missions/ halt_go. It's a zip file.


How I do it:

In Editor placed a West/jeep, and named it Bob.

On initializatio:Bob stop true

( so he dosn't follow waypoint for the test )

Then I gave him a waypoint 'move/limited/safe'.

Then I put the first trigger:

Activation: Alpha/Repeatedly

On Activation:Bob stop false

Then I put the second trigger:

Activation: Alpha/Repeatedly

On Activation:Bob stop true

Hope it works for you Ten.


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