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Trigger without airunits

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I just took the sectorcontrol mission from bis and plucked it apart for my own sectrocontrol thingy... now i want the triggers only be activated by landunits.. so even when you arrive in a helicopter you have to put your feet on the ground first...

i want to prevent that you can fly across the map and get all sectors in a few minutes... i want the players to really control the sectors by being there on the ground...

i think i have to do something with the " on activation " field ..

any suggestions?

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try something like whatever your condition right now is + the following:



Size: whatever

Value: Present

Activation: West

type: switch

Condition: {_x getpos 2 < 2 } foreach thislist

On Activation: hint "West on ground"

you could make same for East or add something too the condition by a simple "and"

Condition: {_x getpos 2 < 2 } foreach thislist and SectorAhold

I know that there is at least 3 valid ways to do as you want it, i just posted one, hope that helped.


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thanks for the answer Hit_Sqd_Day(Daywalker?)...

sorry i forgot to post my trigger..

activation is present, repeatedly by each side (i.e. one trigger for east and one for west at each sector)

condition: this

on activation: w=1 (or e=0)

on deactivation: w=0 (or e=0)

unfortunately your idea doestn work (error: type nothing expecting bool)..

i should check for the height position of each unit?...

but... the sectors are for example, around bridges...

the bridge itself is about 23m .. this brings up a conflict inside my brain ;) ... when i check if units are below 2m, then i will never get the trigger to fire... or? am i somewhat off track with that thought?


maybe if there is a way to check for the vehicle type...

all types of units including man but excluding air should fire the trigger...

somewhere in someplace inside my brain i have some faint idea... but its not there yet...

if you have some other suggestions.. please tell me smile_o.gif

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just name your air vehicles and exclude them from the trigger activation.


OnActivation: this and not((Plane1) in Thislist)

(not sure if it's the right syntax, i didn't use it for a long time)

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Quote[/b] ]unfortunately your idea doestn work (error: type nothing expecting bool)..

i should check for the height position of each unit?...

Yeah that's because the syntax is incorrect;

{getpos _x select 2 < 2} count thislist > 0

should be the right one (if not i'll be back later again - just

being awaken)

Quote[/b] ]just name your air vehicles and exclude them from the trigger activation.


OnActivation: this and not((Plane1) in Thislist)

(not sure if it's the right syntax, i didn't use it for a long time)

This trigger wouldn't go off in case:

A non air unit + plane1 are inside the trigger area at the same


~S~ CD

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Yep, thats it... i was fumbling around with a check for vehicle.. but this is even easier...

still, when the chopper lands, it will get the sector, but this is ok...

i wanted this condition because i use the SP/MP supportpack for respawn and resupply.. and each time you called them they captured some sectors...

now its perfect... thanks alot to all and even more to DV Chris Death


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still, when the chopper lands, it will get the sector, but this is ok...

You can use condition that counts only with land units:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"Land" countType thislist > 0

or with soldiers only:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"Man" countType thislist > 0tested

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hehehe.... damn... i ALWAYS forget to use those marks... "

i was heading in that direction Bart.Jan...

but without those "" it didnt do anything... lol

of course i know why.. but to remember it at 3am...


thanks alot!

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Sorry for the wrong syntax, i am at work while i am posting here. So i dont have a refrence here to make sure its right.

Anyways, good to see you got it:)

Have a good one


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hehe.. dont be sorry... gave me opportunities to learn more of those "obscure" syntax/commands... ;)

i will use the getpos version, for some other nice things for sure...

thanks again to all!

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