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Running a game server

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Im thinking of setting up a Nightstalker Co-Op server, for about 16 people, conditions are it must be UK based, relatively cheap, reliable, few/no limitations.

What are the best server rental deals people know of? If you run a server, where are you renting from?



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klan host was good for a time being but there are many dedi servers avaible for allot better pricing with faster features

we are switching to two P4s 3.0 HT FSB 800 and 1 gig DDR plus over clocks for only $99 US per month each from our dual zeon

includes 1000 gigs month, ofp rarley uses past 60 gigs for us so its more then a enough

just look around, try www.managed.com and www.calpop.com

super cheap, but you need net shiznig to understand the fizbiz

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A fellow (UK based) clan uses a server from Pulse Gaming. They got it recently, but as far as I know, they're quite happy with it.

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I have an offer from Wireplay for a 16 man server, 1gb space, i am pretty sure theres no bandwidth limit although i would have to check that out. Its Å35 per month.

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Make sure that OFP will be on its own dedicated server and not hosted on the same physical server as other games.  OFP doesn't play nice with others....can you say lagfest?  rock.gif

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AFAIK we get our own box.

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with 1 gig of space? does not seem likey, sounds more like shared to me

with a dedi you get the whole HD to host all your porn

and there are no player resitrictions unless you set them, so no ban width restrictions means you can have 1000 guys on and not just 15

our server broke the record for most players on, it was crap but fun to see, we did that on a klan host 3.0 HT fsb 800, but then we got our own 3.6 HT with 960 fsb and that thing was awesome

i cant wait to kill this crap Dual 2.8 xeon with 533 fsb

we're going custom 3.4 HT prestots OC to 4.0 (if we can oc that high) next month and totally rule the WGL CTI world smile_o.gif

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And how much did this cost you? Remember we cannot afford, and do not NEED to, (as we are only going to be running inter-mod co-ops), have something supercharged and expensive.......

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Where are u guys mainly based.. that will decide who you can and cannot go with..

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Mainly UK and Europe.

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I went to Jolt UK to have a look at hiring a game server... Whhhha anything from Å89-Å399 per month,, PER MONTH,...

I was thinkin my budget would stretch to Å15 per month lol... so theres that dream gone smile_o.gif

Thx to Benu I play on his,. and seeing how much they cost am all the more grateful..

So id like to thank all you guys with servers,, great job and thx for keeping MP alive

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Yes running a dedi is truly expensive.......

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some squads are pretty old, we're over 6 years old now and have many divisions that help out over all, with members floating from 70-170 depending on how new games are (ofp we have 23+ now i think)

most members wont have a problem throwing in $10 or 20 a month

we try and keep age restrictions and offer allot of services like unlimted emails and ftp usages for our members

take RN quakergamers mod site


totally a web site of its own with as much banwidth as it needs, for members like him we dont care if he eve chips in $$ for the server, the work he does on OFP is what adds flavor to our total  over all web community

same goes for newer division, ppl wanting to set up a new game squad will have all our resources for no cost to them, if thier members require a server we'll help out with that too

these things over all reduce cost for every thing, RN spends $245 US a month on various web related things, servers, web server, TS but its web servers generate $$  inflo to cover more then half the cost so all we need at the moment is $10 X8 and thats not hard to generate with 70+ members, as we grow our server costs wont come out any members pockets

in the old days i did Server repair work and replacement/upgrades on the side for a BIG canadian web Porn company and got free NET lines for what i did, (ahh the good old days) so you'll see guys that work for major ISP like MTCO who dont pay for lines at all as well, thres lots of ways to get free lines when you're starting up heh

it helps when your senior members run businesses them selves

happy hunting

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