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World war 1 mod

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Seems like all the WW1 mods are dead.

I spoke do DrDestruction earlier today, he had modelled some WW1 Infantry and he needed someone to texture them.

Maybe this is a good oopurtunity to get a WW1 mod started. A mod that doesn't die ( atleast we try not to let it die ).

What do you all think? Shall we get started to plan what should be included in the mod?

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Great, we got some things already.

How do we do trenches? I mean, the OFP engine doesn't really support them.....

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Great, we got some things already.

How do we do trenches? I mean, the OFP engine doesn't really support them.....

... that's probably why the previous mods quit their projects  wink_o.gif

Anyway, apart from various flight sims (Red Baron, a.o.) I only remember one more WW1 game, "History Line 1914-18". A strategy game, based on the Battle Isle engine and fairly similar to Panzergeneral.

Quote[/b] ]This is one of the very few World War I games that were developed for PC. History Line is a great WWI strategy game that features also a 2 player mode and a load of different szenarios. History Line is based on the Battle Isle engine, but much improved and better looking! Enjoy!

I even found a download of this 11 year old classic, which stole me a significant part of my youth   tounge_o.gif  (not the usual Abandonware one, where you have to register; just google a bit wink_o.gif ) I could even remember some of the cheat codes to access the various maps - candl sticks particularly in my mind - must have been a good one... smile_o.gif

It could give you a good idea of potential units, e.g. trucks, armor, artillery, guns, planes, ...

Edit: Link to a review (no download here) and another review here

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Quote[/b] ]Great, we got some things already.

How do we do trenches? I mean, the OFP engine doesn't really support them.....

Who said that ?

Check this page for nice OFP trenches  biggrin_o.gif

Colonial Wars

I'm making a trench complex for Unsung (Vietnam mod)

You have here ww1 soldiers i've made some time ago.

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Looks like there is interest in a WW1 mod.

Ok, if we are serious on starting a mod, what modders do we need? We need modellers, texrues ect.... right? Anyone interested?

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Quote[/b] ]Anyway, apart from various flight sims (Red Baron, a.o.) I only remember one more WW1 game, "History Line 1914-18". A strategy game, based on the Battle Isle engine and fairly similar to Panzergeneral.

hmm - What about Battlefield 1918?

That's a mod for BF1942, and IMHO it gives the player a

very good WW1 feeling.

You should have a look around for BF1918 sites, as i reckon

having read a lot of vehicle/unit/weapon specs + nice pics.


Here's a link to the picture gallery (unfortunately it's in german but here is a little translation so that you know what

to find where)

Bildergallerie = picture gallery (collection)

Fahrzeuge = vehicles

Flugzeuge = planes

sonstiges = miscellanous

Waffen = weapons

überarbeitete Fahrzeuge = reworked vehicles

~S~ CD

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Never played BF1942, thus I don't know about its mods  smile_o.gif

While looking for HL14-18 I found references to another strategy game set in WW1, "1914 - The great war".

However, probably the biggest problem for a WW1 mod, might be OFPs limitation to a single (active) gun per vehicle. The tanks back then heavily relied on the opposit idea, to have multiple guns pointing in all directions, esp. those A7V.

Planes with rear gunners are another challenge (you might check the Fieseler Storch, that somebody released for OFP with just that feature).

Edit: Just remembering - "Flying Corps" is one of the other flight sims set in WW1 - actually liked it very much, navigating with map in hand and stuff like that...

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Quote[/b] ]However, probably the biggest problem for a WW1 mod, might be OFPs limitation to a single (active) gun per vehicle. The tanks back then heavily relied on the opposit idea, to have multiple guns pointing in all directions, esp. those A7V.

Planes with rear gunners are another challenge (you might check the Fieseler Storch, that somebody released for OFP with just that feature).

Well the tanks had a main gun, right? Then we should only include the main gun on our tanks.

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There is an excellent modification for Close Combat 3: The Russian Front called "The Great War mod." It's been out for sometime but is a great WWI modification. If you ideas on weapons/units/islands/vehicles this is another great resource. Don't know how many of you play CC3 though. All this talk about tanks and aircraft, I think the first big focus should be on the infantry aspect of it. WWI was truely the last great infantrymans war.


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Quote[/b] ]There is an excellent modification for Close Combat 3: The Russian Front called "The Great War mod." It's been out for sometime but is a great WWI modification. If you ideas on weapons/units/islands/vehicles this is another great resource. Don't know how many of you play CC3 though. All this talk about tanks and aircraft, I think the first big focus should be on the infantry aspect of it. WWI was truely the last great infantrymans war.


I have played that mod, it's great.

If we are to concetrate on infatry first:

I'm not sure about this, but during WW1 the Germans had two kinds of regular uniforms. The first one was used in 1914-rock.gif and it was the WW2 German uniform, but the helmet had a spike (or whatever) on the top. The second uniform looked like the WW2 ones and was used late during the Great War.

Is this info correct? Tell me if not. I can dig up some pictures on uniforms... when I got the time :P

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I believe that the German helmet changed in 1915. I'm not sure. I've got a great book on WWI Battles and it has interesting side notes on the uniforms, I'll see what I can find on this topic. The French also had different uniforms in the beginning and wore kepis instead of helmets.

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I've seen a picture of a late-war french uniform. It reminded me of the US Rangers uniform from WW2 if I'm not completely wrong.

It's good you are checking the uniforms, as they are very important in this matter (the soldiers need uniforms :P)

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Okay here we go, this comes from Great Battles of WWI by Anothony Livesy.

British-They wore a khaki service cap in 1914, that was soon replaced by a soft topped version with ear flaps. In 1916 the steel helmets were not in general issue until 1916. They wore a standard khaki tunic above pantaloons and putees.

German-All units of the German Army wore field grey with brass or silvered buttons. The spiked helmet was replaced by the steel helmet in 1916. Trousers were tucked into boots. It also appears that early in the war the number of their regiment was written on the front of the spiked helmet.

French-1914: Soldiers wore the blue/red uniforms it appears with a blue kepi cap. In 1915 a steel skull cap was worn under the kepis. By the time of Verdun (1916?) they had horizon blue field uniforms and helmets.

That's from this one book, I'll see what else I can dig up. I have a 20th century uniform book too.

Here's a sight with model interpretations of the uniforms. I have the USMC 5th Regiment figure, he's really detailed.


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Looking at those figures it really wouldn't be overly difficult to create the US Army/Marines/British troops if this is going to go forward. All you'd really need to do is retexture the color on a basic model with the pan helmet and putees. Khaki for the british, OD for the Army and a darker green for the US Marines. Then just get an ammo bandolier for them and maybe put a cloth cover over the Brit helmet instead of leaving it normal like the US. I haven't seen what the WWI Infantry model looks like but I'm assuming it probably has the pan helmet and all. Sorry if this is all coming really fast...I can't really mod in the slightest at all, I'm just trying to give ideas is all. I

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I can't mod either tounge_o.gif Im just here to give ideas becuase I really want a WW1 mod.

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Because WW1 was so much focussed on infantry warfare, you can't just skip the other weapons, seeing that a A7V had a 57mm main gun and 6 7.92mm  MGs. Especially, as those main guns had mostly only a limited field covered. That would be especially difficult with the main british tanks, (Mark I - V) as those had two main guns, one on both sides  smile_o.gif

There were actually few Tank vs. Tank battles...

WW 1 tanks

Alternatively, you might focus on the russian front. It was a more mobile and less trench-focussed warfare.

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1914 - 1916 the tank was not very interessting it was a position war (trench, artillery position...) and after 1917 it was an assaut war...(Tank, cavalery...). smile_o.gif

Make some guys and trench anf few plane for the combat as the camel and it must be a wonderful mod biggrin_o.gif

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This is not completly true.

According to this Word Document in the early days of the war armored vehicles were used fairly successfully. No tanks, but armored cars with MG-turrets. However, those vehicles were of no use in trench warfare.

The tanks (Mark I-V) however, were to slow and had a very small range of operation for open warfare, but were very useful in the attack of entrenched positions.

Don't get me wrong here, I fully agree that a WW1 mod should focus on the infantry warfare. But with the possibilities given by OFP, I don't see a reason not to include some tanks. It is up to the mission makers to make reasonable use of those ressurces.

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Well actually, I think we should focus most on the infantry. And I think we should focus on the Western Front.....

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If this is mod is really going forward I would highly suggest realesing it in bits and piecies. For isntance do the Axis/Allies Infantry pack with weapons first, and realese that, then move onto tanks, etc, etc. The big mods that realese it all at once seem to be the ones that die do to people losing interest in the time the large products take.

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Yeah I think it would be best do realease the mod is seperate packs. We should work on infantry first then.

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