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I just saw this on OFPEC /pending...


OFP Dialog Maker lets you EASILY and HASTILY build advanced dialogs (menus with controls, text and other cool stuff) in a WYSIWYGish manner, for inclusion in your Operation Flashpoint missions. This tool DOES NOT TOUCH your mission's DESCRIPTION.EXT file at all. Instead, you build your dialogs, and once you are satisfied "generate" them. The code to be included in the DESCRIPTION.EXT file for your dialogs will then pop up, and all you have to do is copy that code directly into said file as it best suits you. OFP Dialog Maker is still extremely powerful, and will let you do just about anything an advanced mission developer would do, but over ten times faster.


- Visually create as many dialogs as you wish, with as many controls as you wish each.

- Modify any property for any control just by double-clicking on it.

- Save your work, load later.

- Copy/Paste controls to relieve repetitive tasks.

- Zorder organizer to keep your screen decluttered while working on complex dialogs with many invisible controls.

- Readme includes a step-by-step quick start guide to have you making dialogs in no time.


- You must have some knowledge on scripting commands for dialogs in order to handle your creations from within your scripts. Basically, know what the controls' IDC is used for.

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ok, sorry, I delete the direct links, just go to ofpec/pending, you will find the program there.

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Can anybody mirror this file. OFPEC is not letting me download it, no matter how I'm trying to d/l it... Thank you.

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great stuff indeed! i was waiting for such thing ages! keep good work going!


Eh.. well... i cant find it. Is it "DialoGG"? rock.gif

Edit2: no. it isn't DialoGG.

Edit3: found it! biggrin_o.gif

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This will help save a load of time, good work!


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I just successfully downloaded it, and tried twice to install it.

Then I realised the date.

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Actually, I was wrong. there's a new version out which doesn't have the "issues" I had yesterday.

Go to OFPEC front page, and take it from there.

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