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Csar mission

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I'm a little late with posting this, but I've put together a CSAR mission on Tonali island that loosely imitates the SF CSAR mission from America's Army. It's in the town of Lae with high fog on (for you hardware challenged people :P) with a crashed Blackhawk you have to destroy, and three crewmembers you have to rescue.

Each side has five "SF" players (units from the Marine Assualt Pack) and eight "IF" players (Indigeous Forces, using BAS's African pack, Militia as East and Government as West/Res), with each SF team having a squad leader (Silenced rifle, reflex sight), a machine gunner (RPK/SAW), a grenadier (Silenced rifle, reflex sight, five BS-1/M-433 grenades), a medic (Silenced rifle, scope), and a normal soldier (silenced rifle, reflex sight, one BS-1/M-433 grenade). Each IF fireteam has a team leader, RPG-7er, RPDer, and a normal soldier.

As for destroyed the crashed Blackhawk, you have to come up on it in a certain area, then you do the medic anim five times, and then a timebomb is magically created there and it explodes automatically, with BAS's fire script activating after the bomb goes off.

With rescuing the crewmembers, they're in a building I placed there, and the script is activated by entering the building. The crew runs to the "LZ" and you radio in to a waiting BAS Pavehawk for a ladder extraction. Your team defends the LZ and the crew until the Pavehawk arrives and ladders them up (that is when the script works, it's been buggy with me).

Once the two objectives are complete, the mission is supposed to end there (also had problems with the ending script running, even after putting publicvariable in the scripts). Also need to come up with the init in the triggers that end the mission after all the players on one of the sides are dead, what I currently have doesn't seem to work, or at least in the editor it didn't want to.

For a little bit of ambience and rearming, I added some vehicles near some of the teams spawn. At the West SF spawn is a HMMWV, at the West IF spawn is a couple of Dshk BRDMs, at the East SF spawn is a UAZ, and scattered around the map for the East IF are PK UAZs. The vehicles have ammo according to their spawn, and the PK UAZs are set up so one well-placed grenade or a machine gunner can destroy it.

Also need major help with some of the dialouge in the mission (I'm not that great of a dialouge person :/), and if at all possible it'd be really nice to get some good voice acting in there. How cool would it be to have a guy in Russian tell you that you will be held responsible for the failure in the mission when East loses tounge_o.gif.

I can't have you guys download the mission just yet, but I should be able to e-mail it later today for testing and for dialouge suggestions.

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I'd also like to note that currently I cannot access my computer with OFP on it, so I can't get to the editor :/ But I can access the .sqm over my network so I can be able to edit some of those things.

@Gollum: e-mailed a copy to you

@Coder people: could someone make an external mission editor? Since the mission is just a big text file anyways it couldn't be that difficult, could it? It'd be great to be able to edit missions at school/work or while dead in a MP coop mission.

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This month I released a MP coop mission called CSAR First Ray v1.0 on www.ofpec.com. But would like to hear some comments about it.

In this mission with BAS addons a CSAR team must retreave 2 intelligence agents from central Koguljev. There are no waypoints to make it more realistic and everytime you play it again it's different. 18 slots available.

download version 1.1 now from kmarns.net


comments are always welcome!

contact: spectre@kmarns.net or forum.kmarns.net

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