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What grabs you most about a campaign/mission?

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I would have to say storyline is what grabs me the most about a mission. I like missions that have both an immersive story and believable characters.

IMO, realism is not a big factor in an OFP mission as long as the story makes sense. For instance, Hawkin's "Everon Evil" is about zombies, but the mission stands out because of its unique story. I rather play this mission than a Nam mission that has a poorly constructed story.

In other words, if a mission has a bad story, its lifespan on my hd is about 10 mins.  biggrin_o.gif

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Well I voted for all of the above, mainly because if one of those elements is bad it does make a difference. Personally I only play SP or Co-op, so a lot of the other factors don't come into it I guess...

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I voted for 'scripting' because if the AI shows realistic reactions to whatever i'm doing i consider that a good mission.

It's easy to script 'perfect' attacks on a player approaching the mission area, but i consider this 'ai cheating'. (as in: walking into a trigger, getting shot by a sniper - bleh !)

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