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Impossible tank battle in field exercise

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I have started the field exercise mission in resistance. I suppose it's meant to mount the tanks. The first objective was fairly simple. But when you later reach the city you soon

get elimanated. I use the terrain to take cover and try approaching from different ways. Still this battle feels impossible. So what is the best tactic?

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Go to Bi21, and have everyone in your squad halt. Get out and walk to Bg22. Find the T-72 that's moving around, and order your guys to target it. Now run back, get in your tank, and move with your squad to Bg22. Your guys will take out the T-72 as soon as you come over the crest of the hill. You should quickly take out the empty T-72, then pull back to Bi21. Two T-72s should come charging towards you from Modrava. Watch for them with Command View, and take them out as they come into view. Now all you have to do is drive back to Bg22, pound the city with HEAT shells, then move in.

Good luck smile_o.gif .

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dudes, in that mission, ya stay in your tank at all times. i'm a solid OFP tank commander, one thing you do is stay in at all times. So first off, you take the first base in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds. Next, you make sure you're all cool and stuff, get in line formation, with all your four tanks, and proceed to 2nd objective. So you're driving along, keep an eye out at all times and be a gunner for christs sake too, scan the horizon and keep scanning it, so you here those nice T72's have been spotted or they are firing at your fast moving tanks.

So you go to the town, stop a ways from it, and knock out the tanks and the men running to them. Then you knock a few rounds of heat into groups of men and order 2 of your tanks into the center of the town and have them engage at will. Then you focus on the wonderful T-72 tanks that are coming from the south, use your tank and your partner and tank em out nice and quick but try and keep moving to avoid being fired on and hit them as hard as you can as soon as you see just a glimpse of the turret, don't wait for a full target.

Next, you proceed nice and fast into the town with the rest of your tanks already there, order the two that you sent before, well, to have one go ahead of you and one a little to the right of you ( these are formation commands ) then have em keep engaging at will. Pretty soon you have the town taken without any cassualities and the whole mission from start to end can be accomplished like this in no more than 14 minutes if you play your cards right. Probably less for some people.


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I agree with BMGarcangel, that is by far the most sucessful strategy i have had in this mission.

Only thing is i'm not to keen to prceed into the town that quick. i take out as many of the men from a distance as possible then move in and finish them off.

Once u've got this done have fun in 'First Strike' biggrin_o.gif

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That mission is easy too. But this time, make it so that each tank has a commander so that your tanks will fire faster, so in turn you could make it so driver can be commander afterwards when he gets into position or something, and try to be spread out and shit too wink_o.gif

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Not wanting to brag wink_o.gif

But I've just completed Field Excercise on veteran with all difficulty settings maxed, using just my tank.


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