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Fire stuff (coop)

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How can I fire a trigger that displays stuff (hint - chat) only for the player that fired the trigger? (coop)

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condition: this && (local player)

onActivation: hint "blabla"

work as well? rock.gif

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I'm not sure anymore, wether such triggers remain

local in case of a local condition or not.

In earlier versions of OFP there was a problem that players

had to enter the trigger area themselves, to receive any

messages, comming from that trigger.

BIS may have fixed that during some patches maybe.

e.g: radio-triggers can have local conditions, but will still

execute everywhere.

Best would be to start a script from the onActivation field

of the trigger; [thislist] exec scriptname.sqs

And then start the script that way:

_list = _this select 0

?!(player in _list): exit

~S~ CD

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okay, I didn't fully understand that, need to try it first.

aren't there any way to execute radiocommands only for the player.

well that's not to be discussed in this thread, sorry.

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I want a a trigger to start a script that will have sidechat/hint stuff inside for the player that walked into the trigger. How can I make a whole script start on the players pc? (v1.46)

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errm - anybody probably knows why i did post

that condition/script example above rock.gif

Well, in case of getting the one who triggered the trigger

first, you just have to change the condition inside the script:

change that:

?!(player in _list): exit


?!(_list select 0) == player: exit

~S~ CD

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I don´t get it..

I want a trigger to fire a script for the player that fired the trigger. How can I get the whole script to fire only on the specific players machine?

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OK, let's do the baby steps way:

create your trigger, as big as you need it

activation: anybody/present/once

condition: this

onActivation: [thislist] exec "yourscript.sqs"

Now you need to create a script, named: yourscript.sqs

This script you start with the following 2 lines:

_list = _this select 0

?!(_list select 0) == player: exit

At this point the script exits for everyone, except the one

who triggered the trigger first.

I promise, i won't repeat the very same stuff once more

now rock.gif

~S~ CD

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it says "error type bool expected object"

?!(_list select 0) == player

btw it should go with v1.46

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k, try:

?(_list select 0) != player

instead then.

And as i see, you want the first player of the list, you

should change the trigger aswell, or it won't work if AI

was the first one inside.

Trigger: as big as you need

Activation: anybody/present/once

condition: this AND player in thislist

onActivation: {[_x] exec "yourscript.sqs"} forEach thislist

And the script make that way:

_man = _this select 0

?(_man != player): exit

~S~ CD

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