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Latest radeon drivers

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for a while now ive had a problem with ATI drivers, basically any driver i use post march 2003, gives me the following problem...


thats a pic of the main menu, thats all i get, sound works, the camera rolls by but nowt else.

Ive installed the latest ati drivers from december, and the first time i tried ofp it worked great, but now i just get the above effect.

I ran 3dmark 2001 se with the march drivers and i got a pathetic score of 8600 (ish) with all the default settings set, i then installed the latest drivers and i now get a score of 14000+, its now getting to a stage where ofp is really holding me back, and the only reason i keep on with it is the falklands mod, otherwise due to the lack of proper support for the latest drivers it wouldnt see the light of day on my comp, as im running out of patients with using nearly a year old driver and missing out on running all my other games to their optimal performance.

has anyone else had anything like this?

my system specs are.

Athlon 2400xp

Radeon 9700Pro

Epox 8RDA nforce 2 mother board

1 gig pc2100 Ram

Soundblaster Live!

i dont get any problems with ANY other game just ofp sad_o.gif

Ive tried using omega drivers but the performance is about the same as the drivers released in march, which is defeating the object.

Ive got -nomap on my exe shortcut and using 1.94

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Catalyst 3.10 works fine for me

I have a Radeon 9600pro.

Maybe OFP newinstall will help.

What OFP Settings are you running ? (HW T&L etc.)


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cheers for that, i did have a look around but nothing stood out like it was the same prob as me.

setting the AGP aperture size in the bios to 64mb solves this issue

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cheers for that, i did have a look around but nothing stood out like it was the same prob as me.

setting the AGP aperture size in the bios to 64mb solves this issue

Sorry, I forgot to quote an email I received form someone else who had the same problem:

"I changed the "Graphics Aperture Size" in the BIOS down to 64 Mb from 512 Mb, and now is working."

Glad you resolved the problem, too. Gotta make a FAQ entry! smile_o.gif

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yeah, i even checked yer faq for "radeon" but nothing specific to me problem came up

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havent spoken on here for ages but...

I just bought a new computer and surprise surprise, this problem just blasted me in the face.  So I have been reading and dont understand fully what to do.   Would someone be willing to explain to me exactly what to do?  I am sorry but I am unsure how to get onto my BIOS settings.  

Thanks for all the help(especially you avon lady for providing your site.  You completely eradicated the image from my mind that men are superior to women  biggrin_o.gif)


AMD Athlon xp 3200+

1024 MB Ram

ATI Radeon 9800 XT 256mb

Windows XP home

(please tell me if you need for specs)

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installed new ATI vid card (Radeon 9600 PRo), got same problem with 1.94 and -nomap.

Other symptoms:

Alt-Tabbing causes "trouble" -- FP1985 won't disappear from screen; alt-tabbing back in causes loss of text and sky, sometimes complete distortion of 3D image.  Occasionally, it'll precipitate a system error (aka BSOD)

it's intermittent.  when I first installed the vid card, I had it when I booted 1.94 -- the main screen would come up with no text.  Alt-tabbing in and out would cause the text to reappear, and it would then work find (I could alt-tab at will).

Then it disappeared, and everything worked fine.

Then I went on the road for a bit, brought the PC with me, and it's currently in the condition described above.  This makes debugging a royal bitch, since I have to shut down OFP to edit scripts.

Setting the AGP aperture to 64 MB did not help.

I have not had success with any other video settings, either on the card or in OFP.

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Of course? You need them on with the 9600, as I posted here.

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Well, let me check my bios settings.

Anyway, I turned on hydravision and the problem went away (for a while at least)

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some help would be nice  biggrin_o.gif

Help to change your aperture size?

Okies smile_o.gif

When your computer posts (shows the first screen at bootup) press whichever key it says to press to go into setup or bios or whatever it wants to call it, it's usually delete but sometimes F1 or other things, once in the bios just rummage around until you find the AGP setting, change it, save changes and exit.

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some help would be nice  biggrin_o.gif

Help to change your aperture size?

Okies smile_o.gif

When your computer posts (shows the first screen at bootup) press whichever key it says to press to go into setup or bios or whatever it wants to call it, it's usually delete but sometimes F1 or other things, once in the bios just rummage around until you find the AGP setting, change it, save changes and exit.


I will be looking into it.

I assume that this will not degrade the performance of the computer?

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If Opf runs well who cares what happens to anything else wink_o.gif

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If Opf runs well who cares what happens to anything else  wink_o.gif

oh so it does? Bummer!

I hope ATI does something about this biggrin_o.gif

For the mean time I guess that I will have to keep changing my bios settings every time I boot up depending on what I want to play.

SHOCK! HORROR! Yes I do play other games ;)

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Quote[/b] ]For the mean time I guess that I will have to keep changing my bios settings every time I boot up depending on what I want to play.

not really, other games dont seem effected, you can just leave it as 64mb

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Does anyone has insight on

what does this apparture size really means?

why it doesn't work with OFP only, but works in most other games

(ok, BF1942 is an exception. While trying to fix my OFP issue the BF1942 isseu got fixed too [garbled screen when switching from game to menu screen])

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Does anyone has insight on

what does this apparture size really means?

Article here may explain some things smile_o.gif

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I just installed a Radeon 9800 Pro.. and when I go to load up.. the screen goes black.. then it jumps to desktop with an error message saying GFX Card, Screen Size and then Out of video memory. Someone help.

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Sphinx try posting your system specs, version of Opf, Radeon drivers used etc. that may help getting an answer smile_o.gif

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