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Randinsel (not my addon)

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A news at http://ofp.gamezone.cz


This map has been released already on DEVGRU's site, but it was an alpha, and wasn't close! Malice (The maker) has come a long way since then, and we're all surprised. This version features some things never seen before!

- A random cloud generation script (A bit on the large side, 63mb)

- Good land textures

- Multiple Airports

- New Water Textures

- A level of detail almost matching Tonal

We're expecting release in a while, with an enormous mission pack containing:

- Several SP missions

- An MP Campaign

- A Conversion of Regular RTS3

- A Conversion of DEVGRU RTS3 (To be released)

- A Conversion of MFCTI (May be changed)

- Several DM, TDM, CTF, and C&H maps.

The island has succeeded our dreams, and keeps growing (Not only in OFP, in filesize, it's gonna be huge, sadly.)




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And as there is no second screenshot from inside that "town" I can´t say which buildings are 3d and what are textures.

If it´s Flight Simulator like, the town will look bad, driving with a car in it.

*wait for more screenshots*

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Errrmmmm.......I have to side wit good ole Oswald here.......

Playing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 and taking pictures of towns and then telling us they are in OFP and that we can drive around in something like.....like that........is just not fair  sad_o.gif

Frankly, if it is real, think of it this way SgtEversman, you're hopefully not just creating a island that would look good from above  biggrin_o.gif

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The aerial view pic has been removed from the island's news item on OFP CZ.

Wonder why...................

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Because when I received this and posted it I was quite skeptical with this pic, which you can still see there btw: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics2/_39.jpg , it looks very different than on the other pics and ground textures doesn't look the same, but {DEVGRU}MSpencer sent us this text in his mail (I posted only first part on the site):

Quote[/b] ]

The island has succeeded our dreams, and keeps growing (Not only in OFP, in filesize, it's gonna be huge, sadly.)

In the pics, if in the event you think this is all bs, look at the distinct features, such as the OFP roads, and the looking down on OFP bushes making them 4 pronged sticks. Look at it closely, this IS OFP like you've never seen before!!!

Then after that he posted this in comments system:

Quote[/b] ]

Then That pic was given to me by malice, I didn't take it. I said it looked awful like FS98 (Which he has) then he made up some stories. I only took the pic and added it to sent screenies because there was no choice. I suck at taking screens.

So I removed it waiting for more info.

And yes, sorry, I'm not a good story teller! tounge_o.gif

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