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The sims 2

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So did anybody get it yet? Saw it in the store last week but went with Madden.

Looking at this pic, looks tempting. biggrin_o.gif

Ahahahaha... I gotta go get this one... biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]So did anybody get it yet? Saw it in the store last week but went with Madden.

I getting it tommrow. Got about $160 Australian so I'm going to blow all my money tommorow on games and cheap booze from my sister. wink_o.gif

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My littlesister bought it and have to use my comp to play it mad_o.gifwink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

It's much like the old game whit better grafics and some new things to do, and now you can have "johuu" in every double bed wink_o.gif

You now can make a custome(prity advanced) face for you sim and chose chloth, underwear and so before you play also there are a better personality maker and simes actualy act like you make them I made one which was lazy and when didn't do enything was juts hangingen around.

Women look far to good in this game(bodyvise)(see that picture)

There is tree diffeent arears to live in(said my littlesister)

everything emotional seems to happen faster I think its because the simes have a relativly shot life.

Its as expected just more of the same and better looking.

A must have for the sims fan.


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