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Marine assault pack mp mission

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Updated the old 8 MILE ROAD to make it a sector control multiplayer mission.

It uses the Marine Assault Pack units, the Kegetys Russian Weapons Pack.

*Note: No longer needs MG3 from DKM MOD

Also uses the Blackhawk wreck from one of the BAS packs.


Russian Special Forces VS US Marines

5 Sectors to hold, US Ammo Supply, Russian Ammo Supply, US Field Hospital, Russian Field Hospital, and the Primary Objective, the Downed Blackhawk in the middle. All takes place in an enclosed street with a lot of wrecks to provide cover and plenty of bushes.

Pretty much provided the most intense infantry skirmish to date when we played it last night on OGN so I thought i'd share.

Maybe you'll like it too, cheers,

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If you can provide a link to his pack I'll do it tonight when I get home.

I am actually looking for some more weapons for the Russians as the Marines get a lot more hardware in the Marine Assault Pack.

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So the guns are in the APC pack?

Are the guns any good? I'm looking for Russian weapons of the same quality as BAS, Suchey and Earls stuff.

If they are good I'll add the APC pack to the server.

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Ohh, I was wondering why you suggested VIT's pack to replace the MG3.. I didn't think there was any rifles in his pack thought there must of been a new one. wink_o.gif

Explanation: The MG3 is actually unmounted and used in a similar fashion to the M249 in the mission.

I am actually planning to introduce the ability for two soldiers to deploy an MG wherever they want by deploying stand + main gun but not until I add the wargames pack to the server. (Have to phase out the Tonal pack first).

So I'll just take the MG3 out for you and you can use the mission as is once i've uploaded the new version. - Stay tuned.


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Thanks! I put it on my server and it works great. Good job - new maps are always welcome.

And about the layout and scripting... very nice! First of it's kind (at least that I've seen). One of the only CQB maps I've actually like the layout and feel of.

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Can you make a version for MTCO? You'd have to take out Kegetys Russian Weapons and BAS Blackhawk sad_o.gif But it sounds good.

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Ok no worries, what do you want the Downed Blackhawk to be replaced by?

Do you have anything else in your MTCO pack that would be the primary objective? Has to be a static object that won't add any unecessary lag as this map gets a bit insane..

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Here's the list of server addons... not sure if there's anything appropriate:

Editor Addon 1.11

STT_KLR250 Version 1

Animated Gate 1.0

Bunker Pack

MH-6J (Drakkhen)

Industrial and Harbor Kits

Oil Pump

Mapfact Barracks

Fighting Positions

Pontoon Bridge


AKM74/DKM APC pack

Colored Lights

Water Tower


Message Boards

Marine Assault Pack

You might have to be creative... i'm not sure how the mission is setup, maybe pick a regular air unit (A-10?) and make it look crashed with a simple burning script or something...

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LOL I haven't done anything that dodgey in ages.. ok I'll uh.. "crash" a BIS Blachawk.

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