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Enemy ignoring an object

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This has probably been asked and answered before, but I didn't find any thread about it.

I have made a static gun, and the enemy ignores it completely. Neither tanks nor planes shoot at it. What is the cause? I remember other addons initially having the same problem, but these were corrected in later versions.

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Have you set the threat array in your addon class?


class Man: Land{}





Where the array items are for infantry, armour and airborne respectively.

1.0 means maximum threat to infantry (should be targetted first)

0.8 means reasonable threat to tanks

0.2 means minor threat to planes

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Helicopters will attack it, but only with guns and rockets.

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That didn't do it either.

Tried it from a tank commanders point of view, to command the gunner to engage, but even though the target is identified, they still yell "Negative!" I suspect the problem has something more to do with them not being able to see the gunner, for you see, he is surrounded by the object he sits in.

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what's the armor member variable set to in the config.cpp?

When I was writing my zombie addon, I set the armor of the zombie to 40.0.

Soldiers would not engage the zombie- they would say "negative" too 0- until I lowered the armor to 4.

Try lowering the armour?

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Maybe post your config up...that will help. smile_o.gif

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Maybe post your config up...that will help.  smile_o.gif

I'd rather not. I'm a bit funny about things like that, don't like to show things I'm still working on. Because I usually screw it up.

I'm pretty sure they are trying to target the gunner and not the gun, but since the model covers the gunner, they just give up. Need to approach the problem from another angle.


That wasn't it either. Suspecting a modelling fuckup.

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Have you tried adjusting Cost as well?

Higher costs seems to mean the AI try harder to destroy it

(check the Scud cost in Commented Config.)

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Woot is .. a vehicle or a man ?? if you would target the vehicle u must adjust the cost and accuracy values if it's a man is the same but u have to adjust the camo value..

Maybe u have forget the FireGeometry lod in your model... but not sure that afect the negative answer..

and not sure the camo or cost or accuracy solve your problem too if u give the target to your gunner and he did not engage by negative answers.. So man woot is your problem lol

It's interesting maybe a new method to disable targeting for smoking vehicles...

If you'll find what is it .. write it here **nice to know ;) it**

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