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der bastler

Uscm mod

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After the end of http://www.ofp-zone.de I assume my OFP-page http://www.ofp-zone.de/bastler will be closed at the end of this year, when our server contract expires. Until then I plan to release the sources of the unfinished business called "USCM Mod".

Alone in the end I don't have the time to continue this project. It started with the idea of a functioning M41a Pulserifle in OFP. It continued with zippyo building a dropship, FrugoPL/Kingbeast constructing an APC and me trying to set up appropriate USCMarines.

Now I have much to do in the real world concerning LaTeX, MATLAB, C, image processing and magnetic bearings. After that I don't think I'll resume my work on the USCM Mod. In my opinion it's a dead end. I want to return to the programming front and I want to delete "program your own game" from my life-todo-list (a task running since 1993). An accurate BattleTech board game conversion is missing, imo.

I don't like unfinished projects, therefore I'm offering the work to the community. In the next days I'll upload a packet after having sorted my backup CDs (more informations coming soon). Feel free to use it in your projects (e.g. the nearly done plasma gun). It would be nice if you could drop me a line here or via mail (frank13_at_stud.uni.hannover.de) about used source parts.

I'll still hang around somewhere in the forums (most likely in the "offtopic" part) and a new (house) site will be online next year, so bastler's not gone.

(hey, I could here that "omg" even here in germany! wink_o.gif)

Stay tuned,

Frank der bastler

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Dude I'll be happy to help you when I'm done making zombies. I love your work and was even fooling around making an Alien to use with your marines. (was trying to figure out how to make an acid spit gun to no avail) I even sent your mod some 3d paper apc, drop ship and pulse rifle files so you can have the actual thing in your hands.

This mod will no go away. I'll be happy to do what I can to help you out. Please make a list of the addons that you need to finish.

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Finished addons:


M41a PR

M41b PR

M42 a SR

Ithaca 37 Stakeout


Nearly done addons:

Weyland Yutani Security Troops

FN F3000

M78 PIG + Scripting

.50 portable machine cannon (only a functioning prototype)


Dropship model (zippyo sent me his sources)

M240 Incinerator model


APC (saw pictures, but that was ages ago)

smartgun animations

other weapons (again: saw only pictures)

There was a thread defining needed weapons and units:


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I got some good refrance pics for the apc. I'll send them to who ever wants to start on a new model. I'll do more work on my alien and see if I can get it in game. wink_o.gif

If you have some textures I can crank out some colony civies for the marines to protect.

Email me direct at [email protected]

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Send me the dropship and the weapons. I'll keep working on the alien drone. We might be able to do this on the forum with other ppl help. wink_o.gif

If I have time I'll work on some colony buildings.

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Ok, here's the unfinished addon package (zip, 25MB):


It includes Zippyos dropship, Weyland-Yutani security troops, Weapon Pack 2 and some other addons, finished and unfinished.

Licence: You may use this package or parts of this package to finish the included addons or to create new addons provided that you mention "der bastler" somewhere in the released addon (readme file or credits).


I hope this will help (the WeySec soldiers and the FN F3000 are nearly release-able).

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Good to see your back after your computer problem.Too bad you wont be able to finish the mod. I was really looking forward to it. I wish you luck and I know it will be completed -bit i wish you were the one to do it sad_o.gif

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biggrin_o.gif Almost done with the aliens! I got the warrior in oxygen and also the queen alien. (also got a face hugger but need to figure how to make it move all its legs rock.gif ) I will try and get them out soon.

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Got the power loader done too. Also started on a new apc. Can someone host some screen shots?

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Hello thar, ive been out of the community for quite a long time and unfortunately ive lost my APC after a format and clear out of backup CDs. Shame really because it worked in game, only problem was my shoddy texture work smile_o.gif

Really sorry i didnt finish this off before dissapearing Bastler, all the best to you guys starting this up again.

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Not to worry. We have a new APC and it is being textured and animated as we speak.

As for updates:

Flamer is working and just needs some sounds.

Dropship is working and looking good. (Needs some small fixes)

Smartgun is being worked on.

ALIEN drone is done and just needs a little fixing. ALIEN dog is done and ingame (just need some config work).

Weyland Yutani company troops are in o2 but still need to be put ingame.

LV426 is being made. (still have to make some new buildings for it)

*****Just to let all know this is being worked on by motivated ppl that are "lending a hand" to see that all of blaster work does on just disapear.*****

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Dropship is pretty much done but the APC has a major bug which prevents people in cargo exiting...by causing the game to CTD.

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As I'm totally incapable of actually modeling, Just a few suggestions

Sentry Guns: To make them easier to model, would it be simpler to make it a vehicle with no moving capacity, then have the gunner position actually inside it and unseen (Like an M2, but without the gunner being positioned behind it.

Flame Units: To save time, prehaps you could ask OpSci-Fi to give you there Imperial guard flamer, and you simply modify it's look/sounds.

Lights on the Units: Is there anyway to make the shoulder lamp follow the direction in which the player is actually looking? Prehaps scripting (Just a thought)

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