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Bis blackhawks - two gunners

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EDIT - just realized I clicked on the wrong forum...sorry.


Ok, this idea may have been offered before, and I can't believe that it will be original, but on the flip side I didn't see any specific post relating to this.

Just a couple points to clear things up.

1. I know that the Engine is not made to handle vehicles firing two weapons at the same time.

2. I'm using BIS because i like their Blackhawks and they might be able to pull this off.....

The idea.

Create a blackhawk with two usable miniguns.

More specificaly, add in another gunner for the righ side of the craft, and that weapon as a seperate weapon selection.

Imagine that you are orbiting one of the larger Tonal cities. You fly over the streets and rather than taking fire from the left side of the craft, you take fire from the right side. Now, you have to get that bird turned around so the gunner can take a shot at him.

Why not add in a right sided gunner that you can use, by selecting the second mini gun in the same manner you can switch from the machine gun in an M1A1 to the Sabot?

That way, you can keep the bird on course, the left gunner is "turned off", and the right gunner is now able to fire, and you don't need to hurl that bird around?


The immediate problem I can see is that you now have two AI gunners, and this isn't as easy as it seams, switching guns, you now have to switch the actual gunner, but can it be done?

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Quote[/b] ]1. I know that the Engine is not made to handle vehicles firing two weapons at the same time.

Why not add in a right sided gunner that you can use, by selecting the second mini gun in the same manner you can switch from the machine gun in an M1A1 to the Sabot?

It's a turret coding issue, only one gun turret allowed. I presume that the machine gun effect is only a different muzzle flash.

Attempts have been made to setpos turrets to desired spots an various airframes - with the expected results.

It was noted by BAS that the second minigun was removed since it is currently inoperable.

I would recommend researching how AC-130's engage targets, as nearly all their firepower is mounted out the left side. Basicly, sitting still taking pot-shots is what gets folks waxed.

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I would recommend researching how AC-130's engage targets, as nearly all their firepower is mounted out the left side. Basicly, sitting still taking pot-shots is what gets folks waxed.

My focus is on Blackhawks or other 'chopper's getting two guns going, not real wolrd tactics, but thank you for the info on the attempts and technicalities.

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not exactly what you are asking, but our Mi-28 havoc is firing two streams of bullets with its wing mounted gunpods...

guns on both sides will be impossible in the config you descrbe, since they have to be of the turret type.

only one turret is possible per vehicle, only when using fixed aim (forward) weapons you could fire two streams of ammo, allthough this is alternating fire.

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Tell me if I'm messed something up but how about BAS AH60L? It's got M134 minigun and M230 chaingun, both looking (working) like turrets. How is it made??

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agsmith, if you take a closer look, you´ll see that the bullets (or better the tracers) appear between both guns.

so you can simultate multiple moving gun "turrets". its just one "turret" in the middle of both guns.

i was thinking of gunpods following:

how about configurating the gunpos as ffars without no rocket model (or a tracer style model) and giving it a bullet style impact value and ROF?

i dunno how the dkm mi28 simulated it thou, maybe its just the way discribed above...

but multiple (playable) guns wont be able to implement into ofp1

yesterday i checked out a script that simulates an ach47 gunship, which may be suitable for ac130 gunships aswell.

(check out www.ofpec.com ´s editors depot pending list for it- sry ofpec is too slow to browse it atm... takes me 5min to open the index file)

//edit: typo

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agsmith, if you take a closer look, you´ll see that the bullets (or better the tracers) appear between both guns.

so you can simultate multiple moving gun "turrets". its just one "turret" in the middle of both guns.

Okay, now I get it. I knew there was something I didn't know...

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yesterday i checked out a script that simulates an ach47 gunship, which may be suitable for ac130 gunships aswell.

(check out www.ofpec.com ´s editors depot pending list for it- sry ofpec is too slow to browse it atm... takes me 5min to open the index file)

This is an excellent workaround for the forward firing weapons problem, camcreating the projectiles just outside the chopper. However getting the AI to use this system realistically without recourse to me typing masses of arse-clenchingly boring scripts won't be posssible in OFP1, roll on OFP2!!!!

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