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laser targeting

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I was just wondering how to use the laser targeting on the new helicopter. I know that the a10 now has a laser guided bomb, but I can't figure out how to get the two to work together. Thanks for your time.

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It seems that nobody wants to answer this. The last days, since I have ver1.3 I didn´t manage to figure it out myself. I´m afraid nobody knows this smile.gif

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Well, I know, sort of.

You have to create a mission where you are a ground soldier equipped with the LTD and you have to be grouped with one or more A10s carrying the LGBs.

Place a target on the map. Aim your LTD and click the left mouse button. Keep tracking the target, if it's moving.

When your A10s are within range, a command will be added to the TARGET command menu that instructs the A10s to target the laser target.

Watch the bombs drop, usually quite innacurately. Still a sight to see. Oh, don't get too close.

I asked someone in BIS for detailed instructions on using the LTD when version 1.30 came out. Never got a reply.

Anyway, I think they still have to work on modeling the LTD and the bomb drops, as it's all very off target.

I have a sample mission, I believe was created by DevilChaser. You can download it from here for the moment.

(Edited by theavonlady at 11:51 am on Dec. 9, 2001)

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There used to be a thread around here about this. The bombs are really quite accurate if you are playing multiplayer and humans are in charge of everything. The AI must just suck at it smile.gif My friends and I got to where we could hit the laser target every time and take out at least one tank every pass...

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You don't actually need to be grouped with the A10.

All the LTD does is create an enemy 'target' that is targetable from a long distance. So any friendly aircraft will see it from a long distance away and since it is treated as an enemy, they will shoot at it, and hit whatever is under the dot. They do not actually shoot at the enemy under the laser dot, rather at the target itself.

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The confussion about this new toy is total. I havnt seen any usermade mission yet (except the one AVONLADY mentions).

Hope BIS will include a new missions with the laser weapon in the next patch. Rather useless if BIS develops new weapons but no one knows how to use it!

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I played that mission avonlady posted, and it was fun watching the planes blow up that town, but they flew in so lowm when they dropped their bombs, the planes blew up as well. What's up with that?

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I understand the confusion. No readme AFAIK, or anything regarding the laser targetting thingy. I tried putting myself on a map, a few targets (moving and standing still), and an A10. After about 10 minutes I figured out all I had to to was pointing the laser at the target and tell the A10 pilot to drop a bomb, but it seems like they do it whether you tell them to or not, just point it at the target. I managed to blow myself up twice trying to learn how to use it. *G* It looks great when the bombs take a nosedive towards the target, very precise weapon. Just remember to click V or 0 and zoom so that you get as close as possible to increase the accuracy (or am I wrong?).


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The final answer to this question!!!

The A-10 (Maverick) and the A-10 (LGB) are the SAME.

When the AI is flying the A-10 LGB it think's it's in a A-10 Maverick so when it target's a tank or see's the "dot" it releases a bomd THINKING it's a Maverick missile that will fly itself to the target but it won't.

That's why the AI bomb's alway's fall short.

>>>>BIS need's to change the AI's fireing distance for the A-10 LGB.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MP on 3:35 am on Dec. 9, 2001

The final answer to this question!!!

The A-10 (Maverick) and the A-10 (LGB) are the SAME.

When the AI is flying the A-10 LGB it think's it's in a A-10 Maverick so when it target's a tank or see's the "dot" it releases a bomd THINKING it's a Maverick missile that will fly itself to the target but it won't. The AI has to wait a bit longer untill it fire's

That's why the AI bomb's alway's fall short.

>>>>BIS need's to change the AI's fireing distance for the A-10 LGB.<span id='postcolor'>

The AI has to wait a bit longer untill it fire's.

(Edited by MP at 3:39 am on Dec. 9, 2001)

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Using Laser Designators

Here's a thread that deals with it in another forum...

<a href="http://www.flashpoint1985.co.uk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9996

And" target="_blank">http://www.flashpoint1985.co.uk/showthr....6

And</a> here's an article a friend of mine wrote on the topic that we researched together...


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Longjocks on 2:15 pm on Dec. 9, 2001

And here's an article a friend of mine wrote on the topic that we researched together...

http://www.ofpmatch.com/view.php?id=46 <span id='postcolor'>

At the end of the article there's a link to an LTD test mission. The URL doesn't work. Any alternatives?

(Edited by theavonlady at 2:30 pm on Dec. 9, 2001)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MP on 5:35 am on Dec. 9, 2001

>>>>BIS need's to change the AI's fireing distance for the A-10 LGB.

<span id='postcolor'>

Because of the lack of a decent hud display and it's CCRP targeting cues, this is as accurate LGB modelling we are ever going to see in this game. At the current "targeting" accuracy, it really should be modelled so that it's actually a self propelled missile. Anything even resembling a true free falling fin-adjusted bomb would make bombing impossible.

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OK, I just played my own mission, linked to above, and now I have more questions than answers.

If at the start of the mission I just simply aim the LTD at a target and click the mouse to bring up the LTD's diamond-shaped designator and I don't issue any commands whatsoever to my group, the planes will eventually (most of the time I played the mission) automatically target the LTD target and do their job relatively well.

If however I try issuing the TARGET LASER command myself, first of all, it doesn't show up immdiately and second the planes almost always miss one the command becomes available.


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