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Moving roads?

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is it possible? it doesnt seem to be.

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Actually, you sortta can.

First, add a tree or grass or anything that you can move in buldozer.

Second, select portion of the road that you want to move and do "detach objects from road."

Third, Select that potion AND the object that you've placed in step 1.

Finally, move around the object from step 1 in buldozer.

The road should move along with the object.


Actually, you can do quite nice things with this.

Let's say that you have two separate, perpendicular roads and you want to add a T-instersection to join them, but the roads don't quite fit.

What you can do then, is make a T-intersection, "detach.." it, and then you can move it so that the two roads fit nicely together, covered up by the T-intersection layering over the two.

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