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Gorgi Knootewoot

I've been away a while

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Hi, i have been away for a long time so i have a question because i don't understand something. I looked into other forums etc. but i can't figure it out.

I haven't played OFP for over a year, but today i installed it. I thought i had downloaded the latest patch (v 1.91) but on the forum i see people discuss over patch 1.92, 1.93 and 1.94. But they are not on this site. Where can i get the latest patch? If 1.92 is beta, when will it be finished? What are all the other patches (1.93 and 1.94), because i don't know if they are official or not. crazy_o.gif

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Just get em off ofp.info, they seem 2 have everything you need easily smile_o.gif

I think 1.94 is a beta or something. Most internet games let you use 1.91 so it doesnt really matter


I think I still use 1.91 actually too

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Welcome back. smile_o.gif Patch 1.94 is beta pretty much only in name - it provides a lot of memory management and MP stability and is well worth the download.

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and remember that since you have been away we have all begun to post in fear of the moderators iron fists tounge_o.gif

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Always wise to read the news forums first when you've been away a while, if you'd read the Flashnews one your questions would have been answered right away, as it is they're now answered anyways smile_o.gif

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