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the heartless ''oh no, 3 is down'' is a bit tricky to improve, i mean, it'd be really good when you heard ''o god no!!! billy's hit, o god, the blood, SOMEBODY GET A MEDIC DAMMIT!!!'' the first time, but think how stupid it'd sound when thats repeated every three or so deaths, and the names in opf stay the same anyway (always the same squad members) so it'd still sound stupid to hear specific names. it'd still be cool if they could do it with no bugs like that though

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I didn't meant that all soldiers would have the same names. Voice should change from soldier to soldier. And the names should be all different. In all missions. I'm not talking about OFP 1 right now. This can be done in OFP II.

In anyway. This is not so important. I just had this on my mind and i wrote what i wish.

(Edited by SpaceAlex at 12:14 am on Dec. 10, 2001)

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well i agree anyway, it'd be really cool if they had all the emotion and stuff. maybe they could have soldiers kneeling down crying while their best friend is stuffing his intestines back in or something, that'd be somewhat more realistic i'd imagine

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yeah that really pisses me off. its not like 1 loner in the forest is in radio contact all the time. it is also understandable if you kill a guy and a tank comes looking for him since if he hasn't reported in then you should go to his last known position. but i find it really strange that the enemy troops adn tanks can still find you even if you hide the body and are 1000m away so thats very wierd.

you know what else is wierd. your sqaud mates come back to life! i had this guy in my squad called Jim Self adn he was there every mission even though he died the mission before. thats scary.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Carl on 12:55 am on Dec. 10, 2001

yeah that really pisses me off.  its not like 1 loner in the forest is in radio contact all the time.  it is also understandable if you kill a guy and a tank comes looking for him since if he hasn't reported in then you should go to his last known position.  but i find it really strange that the enemy troops adn tanks can still find you even if you hide the body and are 1000m away so thats very wierd.

you know what else is wierd.   your sqaud mates come back to life!  i had this guy in my squad called Jim Self adn he was there every mission even though he died the mission before.  thats scary.

<span id='postcolor'>

About Jim Self. The names are the same in all missions. This isn't scary. Just don't look over the group section if u think that this is scrary. This is either not a bug. It's hard to remember or make up so many names.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Retro Concrete on 12:25 am on Dec. 10, 2001

Remember the mission where you had to destroy the three Shilkas on Kolgujev during the middle of the night? I had snuck into the first base and was hiding in a bush not more than ten meters from a T-72 crew. I shot the crew as well as two soldiers patrolling nearby. Now, across the base is the first Shilka you need to destroy, as well as its crew milling around a fire. Oddly enough, the crew continues to mill around with their weapons on their backs despite their being five dead soldiers in the base. Yeah, right, I suppose the answer is "Um...their helmets are, er, too thick, so they couldn't hear the rather loud dying screams of their comrades. Yeah, that's it! It's not unrealistic, it's a...feature! Also, we have no intention of fixing this."

"What? Those five dead guys over there? Oh, heh, they were always playing dead with those bloody gaping wounds on their foreheads! No reason to worry, ace! We'll be just fine standing around a fire."

So, while the Shilka crew mills around oblivious to the dead nearby, a I can hear a BMP rolling into the base about 1 minute after I killed the T-72 crew. Somehow, the BMP knows the exact bush I'm hiding in, and irritatingly parks itself right next to said bush. Why couldn't the Shilka crew get in their Shilka, and patrol around? I also knew that there were two other soldiers patrolling around in the base that I missed; why weren't they running around, looking for me? Wouldn't that tend to, well, make more sense? Yes, I'm sure that BMPs in 1985 had been equiped with new "Extra-Sensory Perception" antenna. Right.

Over the idling of a BMP engine, as well as sitting IN the BMP, the crew instantly knows there is trouble within the base AND knows to park itself right next to the bush I'm hiding in? Well, I'm sure BIS has "No intention of fixing this'.

Wouldn't it make more sense for the soldiers within the base to wake up after seeing five mysterious dead bodies of their comrades, and THEN a few minutes later they "call in" a BMP?

<span id='postcolor'>

This has nothing to do with the AI code. The BMP either came because of a trigger in the mission itself, or because it was just returning to the base from a patrol.

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A trigger? Don't you think a trigger that causes a BMP to suddenly know there's a problem from ACROSS the island a bit unrealistic? Honestly, what kind of trigger is that? That's even more ludicrous than the other AI soldiers not noticing the other dead bodies not more than few meters away, yet the noisy BMP suddenly does! And how can it be returning to base from a patrol and know the exact bush I'm lying down in? I've tried it from different spots in the base (different clusters of bushes), and as if right on que a minute after, it's "Hello, my good BMP! I see you've come to the exact bush I'm hiding in!"

A trigger that causes the BMP to spontaneously know there's a problem in the base over a kilomter away is NOT a very good "trigger", nor is a very good "patrol". The trigger that is NEEDED is for the three OTHER soldiers in the base to wake up, after they see their comrades dead, or at least to look at the coding. Then again, there just might be an ESP Antenna "feature" on the BMP, and that the helmets the Soviet's wear are "too thick" to hear anything. Yes, very good features, indeed! No intention of fixing them, right?

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Well I had a laugh with the AI in one off the special ops missions, the one where you have to destroy the tanks in the base! well i used my ironsites to take out the guard on/near the entrance, and 2 other soldiers unshouldered there guns, and started to look around!, I think they were facing him when he died!

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MR Z: Yeah, that is a real problem too. But, BIS wont fix this I dont believe. I dont see why you cant have the AI react just a little better when fired upon. If fire comes in hide in a bush or next to something (or even in something like a house)

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"Somehow, the BMP knows the exact bush I'm hiding in, and irritatingly parks itself right next to said bush."

This happens to me a lot. This also happened in the single night mission where you have to sneak into the town, plant charges on the fuel station, and blow the convoy coming through town. I forget the name.

Even if you are hiding in a bush, the driver of the BMP (it has also happened with T-72s) will know where you are and park the vehicle right next to you. As soon as you try to get away it will just gun you down. I only got away a couple times by planting a satchel and running like #### before blowing the BMP sky high.

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I didn´t bother to read through all entries so maybe I´m writing old news but this is something that really bugs me! I made a few tests with a Shilka on the ground and me circling in a A10. Got shot down and parachuted on top of the ZSU. Landed, popped one of the AT soldiers nearby and jammed a HE into the Shilka. Some of the crew survived and took prone positions around their busted ride. They didn´t see me until I was right in front of them. If I approached them from the side, crouching or running didn´t matter ,I was invisible to them until I passed their sights. So much for perception. This has occured before. Made another test with 2 soldiers. One russkie and one US grunt standing with the back to each other 2 meters apart. Observing as a civilian I concluded that they was totally unaware of each others presence. Weird!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Hindhunter on 8:47 am on Dec. 10, 2001

I didn´t bother to read through all entries so maybe I´m writing old news but this is something that really bugs me! I made a few tests with a Shilka on the ground and me circling in a A10. Got shot down and parachuted on top of the ZSU. Landed, popped one of the AT soldiers nearby and jammed a HE into the Shilka. Some of the crew survived and took prone positions around their busted ride. They didn´t see me until I was right in front of them. If I approached them from the side, crouching or running didn´t matter ,I was invisible to them until I passed their sights. So much for perception. This has occured before. Made another test with 2 soldiers. One russkie and one US grunt standing with the back to each other 2 meters apart. Observing as a civilian I concluded that they was totally unaware of each others presence. Weird!<span id='postcolor'>

Are u talking about version 1.20 or what. Doesn't happen to me. I also don't have a problem with BMP. They don't chase me.

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HindHunter, try something funny:

Put a West and East soldier on the Desert Island map. Put them with their backs against eachother. In a few seonds, one of them will detect the other one, turn around and kill him. Guess who won first..


The West soldier


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Hehehe...yeah! And sometimes they kill each other as well. One thing that you must try out is to place two opposing tanks with the rear towards the other only a meter apart or so. Now watch the titans as they wrestle! As stupid looking as it gets I suppose, they never fire at each other, just rotating and pointing their guns. = )

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Hindhunter on 12:37 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

Hehehe...yeah! And sometimes they kill each other as well. One thing that you must try out is to place two opposing tanks with the rear towards the other only a meter apart or so. Now watch the titans as they wrestle! As stupid looking as it gets I suppose, they never fire at each other, just rotating and pointing their guns. = ) <span id='postcolor'>

In real life, enemy would damaged his tank if he would fire a sabot 1 or 5m away from the enemy tank.

Yust though you should know.

One thing true is, that tank could move to another spot.

(Edited by SpaceAlex at 4:48 pm on Dec. 10, 2001)

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The BMP is well screwed up. Most missions with a BMP in them just shoot someone and then hide in a bush and the bmp will drive over and park beside the bush. It's exciting the first time but gets annoying pretty quickly

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I have it too...the BMP problem that is (v1.30). But overall the AI is not realistic enough when left to its own devices. I really lose the immersion factor when I see the AI acting poorly.

(Edited by TeAcH at 11:52 pm on Dec. 10, 2001)

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I find it a bit unrealistic when in the same mission, you can run right up to an enemy who's looking away but then later, they magically grow scopes in their eyes and on their first shot hit you in the face from 200-300m. Something odd about that. I also despise the BMPs and their ability to detect a single person on the other side of the island who shot a single guard in the head from a hidden position with a silenced weapon at night! What in the #### were they thinking when they gave vehicles ESP? Its a cheap way to try to hide craptacular AI.

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We had many threads open about AI is so god dem bad. I don't know what roblems do u have with your game, but there is nothing so big that would keep me away from playing this game. I mention what problems does the AI have in my game version(1.30). Those are the only problems. I can sneak around in the night and no one can see me. The BMP is shooting at me, no one. If i'm standing he fire a few shoots in my body, but when i'm sneaking in the night he doesn't see me. Is there anything good u can say about this game, here in this forum. More good things you'll say about the game, more and more support will we get from BIS. If u're talking just bad things, they'll lose will.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from SpaceAlex on 6:32 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

We had many threads open about AI is so god dem bad. I don't know what roblems do u have with your game, but there is nothing so big that would keep me away from playing this game. I mention what problems does the AI have in my game version(1.30). Those are the only problems. I can sneak around in the night and no one can see me. The BMP is shooting at me, no one. If i'm standing he fire a few shoots in my body, but when i'm sneaking in the night he doesn't see me. Is there anything good u can say about this game, here in this forum. More good things you'll say about the game, more and more support will we get from BIS. If u're talking just bad things, they'll lose will.<span id='postcolor'>

i can't agree with this. this game brings cash into BIS and hence by improving OFP they would be able to attract even more gamers to buy their product...

there is nothing "romantic" left in the game industry - cash, market share and positive reviews are all that matters nowadays sad.gif

(Edited by Cyanide at 7:29 pm on Dec. 10, 2001)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from SpaceAlex on 12:47 am on Dec. 11, 2001

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Hindhunter on 12:37 pm on Dec. 10, 2001

Hehehe...yeah! And sometimes they kill each other as well. One thing that you must try out is to place two opposing tanks with the rear towards the other only a meter apart or so. Now watch the titans as they wrestle! As stupid looking as it gets I suppose, they never fire at each other, just rotating and pointing their guns. = ) <span id='postcolor'>

In real life, enemy would damaged his tank if he would fire a sabot 1 or 5m away from the enemy tank.

Yust though you should know.

One thing true is, that tank could move to another spot.

(Edited by SpaceAlex at 4:48 pm on Dec. 10, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>

A sabot is a kinetic penetrator, and doesn't create a blast that could damage the armor on an MBT.

The only danger would be from contamination, because some sabots are made from depleted Uranium, which is quite dangerous. The United States lost a number of M1A1s and Bradleys during the Gulf War because of this -- they had to be scrapped.


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I know, but the tank would be damaged if u would fire at the enemy 1m away. That's fur sure. And no kinetic penetrator can help. I asked some guys who were tank crews and they said that wouldn't sustain much damage, but a front side os the cannon could sustain some damage because the blast was so close to a cannon. They also said that there is almoust 0 cases that kind. Most of the enemy tanks are destroyed from a distance.

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yea why can't it be like in MGS2 like when u knock out a gaurd you here the commanding officer over the radio say:"why are you not reporting in whats wrong send assualt team 1 to check it out" then a whole assualt team comes in and clears the room and if they find a dead gaurd they tighten the security by putting more gaurds in the area. Thats why konami rules!! =)

(Edited by BIN LADEN at 6:23 am on Dec. 11, 2001)

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