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WKK Gimbal

Aviation Suggestions!

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I've got some suggestions for improving the A10, Cessna and SUs.

Jets should have an afterburner. It could be activated by pressing the Sprint key. It would give considerable acceleration, but consume vast amounts of fuel.

The Num-0 key is unused in planes. In fighters, this could toggle a working HUD, with guidance trails for cannon fire, bomb drops, etc.

The landing gear is extractable while on the ground. Kinda silly? Same goes with Mavericks. They should not be useable while on the ground as they drop to far before rocket kicks in.

Autobreaking is a bit annoying. If the plane hits a tiny dent on the runway, the plane will extract flaps and hit the brakes all by itself. Not wanted during takeoff! smile.gif

The Cessna should be able to take-off and land on plain fields. Currently not possible (though you can drive it off a cliff). This would give many new options to mission making.

Hotkeys! Eject, Flaps up/down, Gear up/down could really use some hotkeys.

AA missiles and flares/chaff would add alot to dogfights.

Pilots should be able to float when ejecting into the sea.

Their vest would emit green smoke, so rescuers could find them. If the player don't wanna be stuck in the middle of the pacific, suicide is the option.

Parachutes with manual opening, so you could choose to freefall or even HALO. The chute should also be left on the ground after landing - gives away your last position.

ECM, radarjamming on jets - and SAMs to match!

Navi-lights on runways, atleast at night or in fog. Or maybe an AI call-the-ball radio guidance.

Autopilot Landing is for sissies and VERY unrealistic.

Please, BIS. Have a look at the old game 'F/A-18 Korea'.

It has the perfect balance between conplexity and good gameplay. The graphics are old, but the flightmodel rocks - not too hard to learn, but has enough depth for those who wanna play Aces of the Sky. Maybe for OFP2?

Sure, I could just buy a flight sim if that's what I wanted. But flight sims don't have real players running around at ground level or the option to get in/out of the plane.

I don't think the concept of making all vehicles instantly useable is good at all times. Give those who likes planes a challenge, and those who don't bother the option to stay on the ground. smile.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Spitfire on 9:09 pm on Dec. 13, 2001

Buy Falcon 4.0

This is an infantry simulator.<span id='postcolor'>

If it's an infantry simulator, why does it have planes and helos and tanks?

For YOU it's an infantry simulator.

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it has tanks and planes to add depth and more options-the tank models are arcade like (putting it mildly) and the game engine doesnt handle airplanes in flight easily-with a 600 meter view distance its great for infantry but sorely lacking for flight. But im far from complaining, because at least BIS put in airplanes and tanks. Its just that this game was never ment to compete against real tank and flight sims- its based around infantry.

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It was with such things in mind that I referred to the old 'F/A-18 Korea' and not 'Falcon 4', which is too complex (and buggy) to fit into OFP. These suggestions I have listed does in no way make OFP a full-fledged flight sim, it would simply add a little more joy and realism to the flying aspect of the game. Who don't want joy and realism?

BTW, just like BIS has done on their flight mission, you can set a longer viewdistance on such missions, simply in a trigger. Somewhere around 2000 really improves aviation.

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buy a flight sim, they are much better if you want to play a game about planes

and you say you shouldnt be able to fire mavericks and raise your gear on the ground

well you can in real life

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You all seem to miss my point...

Since the planes are already there, why not spend a little efford to make them work much better??

See my first post, regarding the "buy a flight sim" argument.

It's like if someone suggest a change to the spec ops parts of OFP and I just say "Buy Rainbow Six".

(Edited by WKK Gimbal at 9:59 pm on Dec. 13, 2001)

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Nothing wrong in making improvements but neither the A10 nor the Su25 have afterburners in real life. They use turbofans without AB see... But the Hind on the other hand should have retractable landing gear, that´s important, they look meaner while geared up : )

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Hindhunter on 10:37 pm on Dec. 13, 2001

Nothing wrong in making improvements but neither the A10 nor the Su25 have afterburners in real life. They use turbofans without AB see... But the Hind on the other hand should have retractable landing gear, that´s important, they look meaner while geared up : )<span id='postcolor'>

yea that would be a nice idea, that and put a machine gunner in the back of the like they do w/ most combat helicopters.

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OFP plane and chopper control is great, since OFP is not flight simulator. All commands are very easy to use and u can start playing the game without spending 50 hours on learining how to fly a plane or a chopper. I don't even want flight simulators. They're boring, graphic sucks, everything. Belive me. You can't get the right felling on the screen. Especially, because the graphic sucks so much in Flight simulators. If i would really want to fly with chopper or plane in real life, simulators would be much better. But i still think that u need real plane if u want real flight simulator. Those are my thoughts about flight simulators.

As for OFP. Because of the simple controls you can really start enjoying. You fell like you are very good with flying a chopper or plane once you destroy a couple of Shilkas. And when u don't crash in a tree, lol. It's fun for me to fly around the island. You don't get the right felling when a rocket hits a tank in flight simulators. You can see all in OFP.

All in all. The tanks and planes are not so unrealistic. Choppers and tanks are very well detailed (You won't find so nice models in Flight or tank simulator)Wait. I didn't say that i'm against any improvements. Some things should be fixed. One things are the Hind gears. He would look much nicer with gears up. And more dangerous, either. Dunno why BIs didn't make this. Maybee it's too complicated for them, to make such an advanced rise and lower gear animation. It would take some time to make this ability, but it would be nice too.

Ok. I'll stop writing. What i was trying to say is, that i love tanks, choppers and planes in OFp as they are. i'm still for updates. They are not great, but they are very good. Models are great. Nothing to say about that.

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I think they should do up the flying aspect of OFP but only after the fix the stupid bugs,sort out multiplayer and fix the control system.

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Fully Agree, I treat OF as a flight sim. Love the planes!

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as f**ken IF

what you hit a special key to get a rocket boost going that chews fuel and makes you go higher!

f**ken ####!

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".........The Cessna should be able to take-off and land on plain fields. Currently not possible (though you can drive it off a cliff). This would give many new options to mission making. "

hmm....i did at least once that i landed on an flat open field, so i think it's possible, the only thing you can't do is to get it back in the air(at least i haven't success once) so after you land the plane, you probably have to drive it around town tounge.gif

the cessna's kind of useful for scouting(just hope that nobody will point their AKs/SAs/ZSUs at you)

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the planes are already to fast! its totally unrealistic! A-10's and su-25's dont have afterburners!

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People are buying this software because it's a multi-aspected Engagement Sim. Even the infantry has issues that have to be worked out. I agree that flight and vehicle physics/realism can be improved greatly.

Maybe peeps are afraid on flying wink.gif

Go to a local flight school, take a introductory flight and you'll understand the freedom of being airborne.

Do you think that VBS comes with these flight dynamics? BIS has them and should share sad.gif

(Edited by Desloc at 6:45 am on Dec. 14, 2001)

(Edited by Desloc at 6:46 am on Dec. 14, 2001)

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