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The lost lion v2.1

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I should (I've got to rely on my bro for this) get my mic back tonight, I can do a nice farmer accent for the preacher  tounge_o.gif My Southern farmer Brit accent wouldnt go well with delta's some how  wink_o.gif

I'll try the second safe in vet mode soon, see if its just not cadet friendly

Its not cadet friendly! Although the first time I played it was on vet crazy_o.gif It worked fine this time wink_o.gif

No other problems I can spot, consider it beta tested tounge_o.gif

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@ ruff

I mentioned this earlier, I would need a good group of voice actors with all the equipment necessary. It's usually very hard to find enough people that have the time to do it, but we'll see. (I want to do voices for this one, and now that Munk is offering his help, it could be possible)

@ Munk

Thanks! Did you get your mic back? I think it'd be cool to do this... If all else fails I can just fill the rest of the parts myself. wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]My Southern farmer Brit accent wouldnt go well with delta's some how

Yeah, I pretty much agree with you... But the U.S. is a melting pot for all kinds of people, so I don't think it'd be too far fetched to have a Delta with a Brit accent. (In Chemical Warfare, Sui played the part of the leader of Puma squad and he's got a Kiwi accent! I think it sounded pretty good.)

Quote[/b] ]Its not cadet friendly! Although the first time I played it was on vet

So, it worked in Vet but not cadet?? How strange.. I'll have to double check this.. When I was testing it I was on Vet though.. rock.gif

Quote[/b] ]No other problems I can spot, consider it beta tested

Sweet! Thank you very much for the beta testing! smile_o.gif

I'll look into the Cadet safe thingy and post what I find.



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No probs mate. I didnt get my mic back but i've been told all my stuff in London will be returned Christmas Eve! Thinking about it the SAS normally do tours with Delta's (the SAS being the inspiration behind Delta or 'a mother' as Robin Horsfall put it)   tounge_o.gif

The first time I had problems I was actually on cadet mode (I dont know how though, I always play in Vet.  crazy_o.gif ) which was the only time I had problems. Maybe a message to every mission maker to test in both modes?  rock.gif

Maybe we can talk on msn - [email protected]

Or AIM - MunkD2k

Unfortunatly I had to give up ICQ and YIM when I moved back to portsmouth and not have my nice laptop compliments of the british tax payers tounge_o.gif

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That's cool about the mic! Looks like it'll have voices after all. biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Thinking about it the SAS normally do tours with Delta's

Exactly. smile_o.gif

That's weird about your problems in cadet mode.. I tested both safes just like the mission goes (but I was captive of course) and they worked just fine! This was in cadet mode as well as veteran mode! crazy_o.gif

Here's a thought.. You never know.. What is the date on the .pbo for the safe that you have? There were two versions and the most recent has a "created date" of:

Friday, June 06, 2003 5:37:18 PM

As far as MSN and stuff, I'm very rarely on it.. but I'll add you to my MSN and we'll see! (don't have AIM, screw that!) wink_o.gif

Thanks Munk smile_o.gif


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Good guess, mines dated 13th March 03. Could you find a link to the newer version for me? Im really busy trying to sort a website out right now or I'd look myself wink_o.gif

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Could you find a link to the newer version for me?

It's in Asmodeus' sig. biggrin_o.gif

Thats where I got my current version from sad_o.gif

I'll download it again later, trying for the 700th time to get the damn marine pack mad_o.gif

Thanks neway maaaaaaaam wink_o.gif

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Could you find a link to the newer version for me?

It's in Asmodeus' sig. biggrin_o.gif

Thats where I got my current version from  sad_o.gif

I'll download it again later, trying for the 700th time to get the damn marine pack  mad_o.gif

Thanks neway maaaaaaaam  wink_o.gif

Here's my mirror copy:

ECL Safe Addon.

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Ah ha!  Sorry about that Munk, I could've sworn I updated our website to have the most recent version!   crazy_o.gif

Thanks for mirroring it Avon!   smile_o.gif



Ok, our site has now been updated as well. (turns out the new version wasn't named correctly for the link on the site to work)

Another Link to the correct safe:


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Just glad we solved the mystery  wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

Edit: Seeing as im (hopefully) doing a WWII version, mind if I update it to use the new marine assault pack? biggrin_o.gif

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I'm glad we solved it too Munk!  biggrin_o.gif   I've updated the readme to specify that everyone needs that version of the safe.  wink_o.gif


The final version is ready!  

You can get it here:

http://home.earthlink.net/~asmodeus213/TLL2_0.zip (203kb)

Thanks again for all the help everyone!  Beta testers are invaluable!  

Time to move on to the next mission(s)!  (I've already got the next 4-5 pretty much done, and have had them that way, I just try not to release too many at once)   wink_o.gif  


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Greetings everyone!

Ok, thanks to deaddog for the suggestions, I now have an updated version of this mission!

There was a problem if you did the objectives in the wrong order, so I fixed that now.

So, this should be the final version unless anyone sees anything wrong! (thanks for all the great feedback so far everyone!)

Here's V2_1!


*If you attack any objectives out of order, you will be punished. Either the Officer won't show up for you to kill him, or the safe with the key will not be there when you need it.

*Updated readme to include all beta testers. (if I missed anybody please let me know!)

*Also added links to readme for the safe (thanks Avon for the link, now I have it straightened out and the correct version is on the EC site too), as well as links to these beta threads

*That's it!

You can find it here:

http://home.earthlink.net/~asmodeus213/TLL2_1.zip (155 KB because I took out a screenshot)

Thanks again everyone! smile_o.gif


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Hello everyone, I recently came back to the community and I've received a request to provide a current link to this mission.

You can find it here:  http://www.4shared.com/file/37262043/8f36b386/TLL2_1.html

If anyone needs the Everon Cartel addons required in this mission just let me know and I'll upload those as well.

Have fun!



Actually here are updated links to the Everon Cartel Addons required for this mission:

ECL Safe pack: http://www.4shared.com/file/37266766/4747a459/ECL_Safepack.html

ECL Fboat (Barracuda boat): http://www.4shared.com/file/37266854/8938d18b/ECL_Fboat.html

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Quote[/b] ]Posted on Feb. 08 2008,21:44
Quote[/b] ]Posted on Feb. 07 2004,20:30

Almost 4 years later to the date rofl.gif

Thanks! biggrin_o.gif

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LOL, you're welcome Zuku1! I'd love to hear any feedback anyone may have on this mission still. It is probably the most involved mission that I've finished making (so far). wink_o.gif

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