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where can we pick up the civvy version of VBS?

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I dont think this is gonna work... the Marines are going to be lagging terribly! They'll cheat all the time, and ruin everyones good time!

Then when they get out into the field, they'll be shouting "d*amn.... four... is down", even though they dont have a radio.

They will only carry one stinger, and only a few clips of ammo, it'll be madness!

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They won't last long either. They'll charge into battle thinking that they can just retry from the save point if they lose.

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 And they'll wait in empty medic-tents and ambulances for hours, waiting for their arm to reattach itself.

And they wont be able to possibly get anything done! If they dont want to go fight, they'll just go "Sorry sir, we experienced heavy lag south of here and missed your orders."

And you think friendly fire is bad now!?! HA!!!!! What if a team-killer joins the Marines?!?!? He'll shoot his friends, go "I 0wnz J0o N0obZ!", then shoot up the place, ruining a perfectly nice war!

(Edited by Aaron Kane at 6:08 pm on Dec. 15, 2001)

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This was funny. Anyway. I don't think that human brains are so stupid. And in the other hand. It's very possible that VBS is different.

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