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Bas weapons crates

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Hi, i was wondering how to put a weapons crate in a map with BAS weapons. Not just ammo for the guns but the accual BAS weapons?

I've used empty objects bas specops misc ammo crates...but I dont see any weapons crates for bas.

I'd like to allow players to change weapons if they want to.


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all weapons have weapon names and magazine names. Example:

BIS m16s are like this:

M16 for weapon and then M16 for magazine

so in turn you add to the box: This addweaponcargo ["m16",3]

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In the objects init. field type this addweaponcargo ["weaponname",#]; this addmagazinecargo ["magazinename",#]

Pretty simple. It's stuck in my head i've used it so many times! biggrin_o.gif

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