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Realistic island mod

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Would you want to play a realistic island mod?

What I mean:

An island with its own police force, military force, shops, schools, power plants, factories, forest preserves, places of enteraintment etc. (If it was a fictional place like Malden or Everon)

If you would like to help (In need of anyone: Already have 9 or 10 guys not including beta testers or researchers): Message me or

MSN: Jakerod80@hotmail.com



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Of course !

and I think tha BAS island will rock !

The video they released yesterday shows something amazing ! For me it's not that ofp i used to know !

That was the REAL OFP !


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im guessing u mean like a where everything is scripted like people will walk to certain areas, then go see a movie or sumthin and maybe a cop will pull sum one over..etc etc.....and if thats what u mean hen yeah that would be cool u could invade or be a terrorist or maybe a cop or a normal citizen that would be cool

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Maybe you could make islands that are real lfe cities! Since these forum members are from around the world, it would not be hard to get refrence pics.

Just think of the possibilities!

*GR in OFP

*The T55 that BIS owns rolling down the streets of Praque!tounge_o.gif

*Me commanding a platoon of LeClerc MBT's down the the streets of Ottawa,Canada to take over the captital! tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Ya it would drain CPU if I made the cities the way they are. many of them would take up the whole island or atleast half of it and you wouldnt be able to walk on it without any lag.

Im not sure about that whole everyone is walking around type thing and going to movies, soccer/football games because that would also be a major drain of CPU. But ill give it some more thought.

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