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Espectro (DayZ)

OFP 1.40 patch ready!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from multimedia on 7:49 pm on Dec. 20, 2001

Couldn't some kind soul put it on his/hers homepage for download ??

<span id='postcolor'>

If that was a hint, then just click on the HOT NEWS menu item at The FAQ and follow the links.

Your welcome!

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ThanX for the polish version BIS. Our local distributor (IMGroup SUCK!) haven't released official 1.30 yet.

The zip file seems to be damaged and it won't extract. I was able to only download 2Mb. The patch should be 9mb.

(Edited by AlbertE at 8:04 pm on Dec. 20, 2001)

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Something good came out of all this..

I finally got myself to d/l and install GetRight..and setup a firewall (Zone Alarm) .. aand update my F-secure.. aaand update OFP.

All that while I was tending our three kids (2 x 8 m and 3 y) while wife was at school.. pheww

Now I feel like opening my bottle of Hankey Bannister (never tried that before..)

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Argh, got an error message, have to reinstall OFP. I hope this didn´t happen because of the Red Hammer install or anything else. Am not using add-ons other than Kegetys Winter Kolgujev with vehicles and the official weapons pack.


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No errors.

Hey, nice cockpits! The landing autopilot (of the civillian plane) still sucks.

What about a secret unit? I expected santa claus (with Rudolph and everything) as a civillian air unit, with LBGs as a weapon looking like wrapped gifts. :biggrin:

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