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amos m

Super AI

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Do you have to enable super ai to avoid having units being able to shoot you when only their mates can see you?

I haven't had the honour of trying 1.4 yet, as I am awaiting a replacement cd all the way from GB. How longs that gonna take.

Until then, I'm stuck with s**tty 1.11 upgrade, which I think actually has more bugs than the original.


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I tried out the 1st Red Hammer mission with Super AI disabled and I don't see any change in their aggressiveness or sure-strike abilities.

Maybe I should enable it so I can just die sooner.

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Yeah. I know.

I read in the flash news forum I think, and in the fixes readme for sure, that this stops the ai from shooting at targets shared by others that can see them.

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I'm pretty sure they're actually two seperate fixes (or one fix and one enhancement). The Super AI option just ramps all AI units up to max... ...the shared target fix applies to AI at any level.

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Oh yeah. I musta' got confused reading the thread in flashnews. Those two features are one right after the other.

Sorry. And tanks.

Forget this thread ever happened.

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