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Search light and guard dog

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Sorry if this is the wrong section to ask but I couldn't decide where to put it and think this is the best place...

I'm working on a "guard script" and wonder if someone done (or are working on) a search light addon?

Also looking for a guard dog and understand that a guy named Kevbaz did a stactic one but can't dl from the given URL???


Anyone have it or knows about another one (preferable animated).

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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I dont belive any body has made any new animations for animals yet.(And why the hell not shall i ask!)

Heres a link to that static guard dog:

Guard dog

As for the serchlight,I have no idea about that.



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Thanks for the link Murpy!

I actually tried that one but wanted to test the one Kevbaz did. It should have some new features like barking etc. I believe.

Yea, a bit strange nobody done a search light yet... I don't know much about making models but wouldn't it be possible to "just" extract one lamp on a car and put it on a pole or something?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Not quite a searchlight, but somebody made a lighthouse which had a functioning rotating light and fog-horn sound  biggrin_o.gif

I can't remember where I got it from, but a quick look over at http://www.ofp.info should help  wink_o.gif

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yeah that dog's not animated but you could use the setpos and set dir commands to move the dog around a bit and for the sound use the sounds in the standard sounds part of the mission editor there are a few.

I think there was a problem making a flashlight on a weapon but not sure, there is a topic allready on this at ofpec.com somewhere?

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@ Shashman, thanks but not what I'm after.

@ Trenchfeet, yes using setpos and setdir on a stactic dog would be one way to move it around a bit. No idea on where to find Kevbaz dog, would like to try it?

BTW, I don't think a pole count as a weapon wink_o.gif

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Thanks for the link MF but it's the same I have tried. Maybe I'm missing something but according to this old thread Kevbaz should have an updated dog for OFPR 1.85+ but I may be wrong?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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In that lighthouse thread Shash mentioned here Walker (the addon/script maker) mentions something about spotlights as well,maybe u can find something more about it 'cos im looking for the link to it...

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Shashman & Bonko, think you are onto something here! Looks like Mr Walker done a search light after all smile_o.gif

Seems hard to find tho? Do you have this addon laying around Sashman?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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