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missing command for switch seats of crew

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Why not exist command for switching seat of crew member like it is possibile by action  menu for player to switch for example from gunner to commander seat (if compartment is the same of course) but is no way to make it  the same way (without moveout beacouse this cause strange behaviours of AI after that and is visibile sometimes like disapear body in extrnal of vehicle  for short moment). For all who want to propose "assignAs" i propose kiss your ....... this not work in scripting at all and not swithing crew on it's seats.


if exist event handler for that and avilable action for player and for ai to do this in game implementation of commandfor it  must be possibie very easy in source code.


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Thank you I will try it (mainly is question if it will work without problems by scripts on AI and on MP).

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Not work even when crew of tank is turned in,  this command "switchcrew" missing due to work like moveout + moveinturret, not matter what crew status is.


I use combination like 


            _vehicle lockTurret [[0,2], false];
            _unit action ["TurnIn", _vehicle];sleep 1;
            _unit action ["moveToTurret", _vehicle, [0,2]];


and no effect on unit.


only when I am in tank and run command on me this work, from cript on Ai unit not.

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