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SelectRandom waypoint? How to?

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I'm trying to make a small script for my UGVs, using respawn modules, in need random movement to get som enemy UGV's, 


I use this now, and it works for on MarkerPos

_veh = _this #0; _veh move (getMarkerPos "25");


How do I combined this?


_randomElement = selectRandom [1,2,3,4,5];


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_veh = _this #0; _veh move getMarkerPos selectRandom ["25","26","27"];


You should give some alphanumeric names, like mk25 or mk_25 to your markers. Just a better practice and readability than full numeric names.

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Thank you very much, it works as always 🤩 



I had kind of figured that I could get into trouble with just a number, but I'm way too deep into the project now.

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Place a waypoint on the map.  A man will move to the centre of the waypoint.


Now set the radius of the waypoint to 500 meters. The man will move to a point at random within the circle. In effect this is a random waypoint.


The centre of the waypoint could be a building or a pond or some other obstacle. Set the completion radius to 30 meters to avoid obstacles.





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