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Major Fubar

Reliable online usage meter

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Does anyone know of a (free, hopefully) internet usage meter...

I know earlier version of ZoneAlarm used to include a feature that showed total upload and download in MB while it was on, but later version seem to have removed this feature.

The reason being, my ISP has it's own online usage meter, which I believe is about as trustworthy as a compulsive liar on crack. I think they're didlling me on my usage, particularly uploads, unless uploads count as higher usage than normal (i.e. I upload about 5 100kb images to my webpage, and I seem to record about 4 or 5 MB upload usage for that day). Also, the bloody usage meter is offline half the time, especially towards the end of the monthly billing period. I have a 3GB month limit, and when the month draws to a close I like to make sure I use up every last MB allowed to me...

Any help or advice anyone could give me would be appreciated... smile_o.gif

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The Windows 2000/XP Performance Monitor will also show very detailed information, but it is a pain to use. And under XP, Task Manager now has a Networking tab with similar capabilities.

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