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Start mission with nvg on

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Ive tried searching for a solution but have found nothing so far.

Im sure theres a really simple way to do this......

Im making an intro for a multiplayer map and I want all the players to start the mssion already wearing their night vision goggles, rather than having them put them on after the mission has already started. The reason for this is because I want to make a cut scene that is viewed entirely in night vision.

Can anyone help?

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I dont know it this work in MP, but it should

I tried on myself and on the AI in the mission editor several thing with the commands action and fire and with according to some editing docs takeon_goggles , takeongoggles etc , no success

Until i tried that

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this action ["nvgoggles"]

And surprise, it worked perfectly even in plain sun day time , so add this in the init line of the soldier you need the NV to be activated at the start.

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Nice idea Sanctuary,

unfortunatly this only works in single player mode sad_o.gif

I tested the map in multiplayer and my player started without his nvg on ( even with "MyGuy action ["nvgoggles"]" in the init field )

It works great in single player though, should be able to make a cool cutscene smile_o.gif

If anyone has any ideas on how to do this in multiplayer please let me know.

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