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Quote[/b] ]Regardless, it's pretty much safe to assume that PalmOS is a doomed platform.

The very reason that Palmos will survive, is that it isn't a microsoft product. Just because i use a MS Os for my PC doesnt mean i want to have it on my Tungsten C.

Quote[/b] ] Not surprisingly, they're lying at the Palm site (no doubt preying on gullible customers like you . Not a single of those statements is true.

My Documents to go does Integrate seamlessly with my desktop. I never have a problem.

I doubt very much there are things that your ppc can do that my tungsten c cant. 1024x768 on a 3 inch screen? Now that would be very readable rofl

Part of a review from Brighthand:

.....our testing revealed that Documents To Go running on a Palm handheld supports more features and does a better job at maintaining the integrity and accuracy of an Office document than does Pocket Word or Pocket Excel running on a Pocket PC. Also, Documents To Go includes Slideshow To Go, which supports Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, something Microsoft does not offer in its Pocket Office suite. Finally, Pocket PC does not support computers running the Mac OS, while Palm and Documents To Go does.

Rest of it here....http://www.brighthand.com/article/Office_comparison

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