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An arcady flying game featuring the LITTLE BIRD. " MH-Zombie. "

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Yeah so I just thought I would see if I can post this here.


( the game does actually have a HARD CORE mode... so don't think it's some easy "eat all the crayons" type sim....)


If you like flying, and like the MH-6  and you like actual in real life helicopter gunship pilots. Step this way.

Go ahead and look this up " MH-Zombie " 


It's on steam but I am not gonna link to it directly, you have to do that for yourself. I know... such a tiresome thing to do...

I have not tried it yet. That is coming soon... I hope. I'm all for flying games that have a hardcore mode...


But wait: here are some pics from the DEVELOPER,  real stuff !  wooo!!!!  These are NOT in game pics they are REAL pics of REAL stuff ! !!








hey look an MH-6  !!! ( Oh yes this is real and nom nom nom,  a crayon !!!! yemmy...)




Well I will report back in due course after I have tried it out.


Being a Little Bird enthusiast... I have to give this a whirl.





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The FLIGHT MODEL is good. It's really hard. and I mean really hard even with a good ( 300mm + grip ) stick and decent rudder pedals.


I set the control sensitivity to 100% and the both game and physics to HARD.


Transnational lift seems to be a thing and I think I got stuck in vortex ring state.

Dynamic roll over is real and it can hurt you . ( slam that collective DOWN HARD )


I have been tooling around in Laboratory City in the Free Flight scenario.

Doing wing overs, nose down back flip turns , high yo yos etc, loops etc.


It's pretty good for the flying.


The graphics are Minecraft meets Kerbal space program.  And yes the zeds are out to get you.


For the money it does what I like really well. Bigger Sim outfits should take note.


Yes it's "press E to start" complexity but the FM is great.


Crash animation is non exsitant, so if you was cool crash action... I have put in a request.


It's worth the money for a single player Free flight sim with scenarios. Bear in mind it

is designed with console and device pilots in mind as well...  so no clicky cockpit....


Worth it.





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