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Joker Wayne

How to run the script?

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Hello, tell me how can I run the script that I downloaded from Steam?I can use regular mods in the editor, but I would like to play with ready-made custom scripts

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Use Mp lan or put it on a dedicated server.

The information on that scenario at the top right of the steam workshop page tells you what type of mission it is.

   So at the top right you see this:


Data Type: Scenario

Scenario Gameplay: Multiplayer

Scenario Map: OtherMap

DLC: HelicoptersDLC, Apex, Laws of War

Meta: Dependency


If it only says multiplayer then it can only be played either through mp lan or on a dedicated server.

Be sure to subscribe to all the mods on the right that the scenario requires, otherwise it wont load.


Scenario map set as "other map" means its not a vanilla game map, so its on a modded map (terrain).

DLC means that its using assets from DLCs that are listed.

Meta means that the scenario has a dependency on mods which are listed below on the right that you should subscribe too.


    For terminology sake what you describe as a "script" is really called a scenario, or another word is mission but

in general its a scenario that you play.   A script is a sheet of code that uses the sqf scripting language that based on whats

written is code that adds, or changes functions based on what it was intended for so it has a purpose, you could say a scenario does

this but thats not what its identified as its a different context and setup.

    Hope that helps.

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