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Hi, i was wondering if anyone could help with making a random teleport script ill go over what I've been attempting to do so far.


I made a teleport.sqf file within the mission folder and added this to the file.

private _markersArray = ["marker_1", "marker_2", "marker_3"];
private _randomMarker = selectRandom _markersArray;
private _pos = getMarkerPos _randomMarker;
_caller setPosASL _pos;

I then put this script in the init section of the object I'm using to teleport me.


this addAction ["Teleport","teleport.sqf",["marker_1","marker_2","marker_3"]];


I know its probably very obvious what I'm doing wrong but when it comes to scripting I am more than clueless id appreciate if anyone could explain to me what's wrong and where to put the corrected scripts

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1 - Why passing global variables or marker names in an addAction when you could use it straight in your sqf?

2 - on the other hand, your sqf passes embedded parameters of the addAction (see example 2) but you need to define them. In your script _caller is not defined.


this addAction ["Teleport", "teleport.sqf"];


your sqf:

params ["_tgt","_caller"];
_caller setPos getMarkerPos selectRandom ["marker_1","marker_2","marker_3"];



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37 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

1 - Why passing global variables or marker names in an addAction when you could use it straight in your sqf?

2 - on the other hand, your sqf passes embedded parameters of the addAction (see example 2) but you need to define them. In your script _caller is not defined.


this addAction ["Teleport", "teleport.sqf"];


your sqf:

params ["_tgt","_caller"];
_caller setPos getMarkerPos selectRandom ["marker_1","marker_2","marker_3"];




Thank you so much this worked perfectly, the other posts i looked at made it so  much more difficult, cheers mate

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In case you want to add some fancy - but easy! - stuff:


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