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Recently there has been several instances of my vehicles malfunctioning.

I will be driving and suddenly the controls will... change? or just stop working i guess.  Hitting w no longer accelerates but turns on brake lights and vehicle refuses to move.  I can still go in reverse though.   When I spawn a new vehicle it operates normally but if I get back to the malfunctioning vehicle it is still bugged.  Other people can drive it normally just not me after the bug takes place.  I tried remapping my keys, but no matter which key I assign to accelerator it does the same thing. 


This happens in the Command Trucks,  Jeeps and HumVs.  Probably all vehicles, but i dont drive the others much.


I THINK it happened in a transport truck but my memory is not too great.

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today someone told me you can set the gearbox to manual on gameplay in the menu - then you dont need to broken gear assist. US vehicles are automatic accept the trucks. Soviet you have to switch gears but after 1-2 hours with this i felt that my accelleration improved a lot by this. 

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